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Herbst Touts Endorsement of Leading Republican Gun Control Advocate.

This has the look of a circular firing squad. Trumbull Republican Tim Herbst–the candidate with the busy hair trigger temper–has been portraying himself as a ferocious opponent of gun control. The mask slipped in the mail. Herbst must not see the state’s laws regulating the possession of fire arms as draconian. The former first selectman is touting former state Senator John McKinney’s endorsement of his candidacy. McKinney was the leading Republican advocate of the state’s new gun control law in the aftermath of the 2012 Sandy Hook shootings.

McKinney is not the only Republican to have supported what most people see as sensible restrictions on the proliferation of weapons. Gun control opponents worked to make McKinney an example of their wrath in his 2014 bid for the Republican nomination for governor against Tom Foley. McKinney won 44.5% of the primary vote against Foley, the party endorsed candidate and 2010 nominee.