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Connecticut and Rhode Island Republicans Head to White House for Thursday Confab.

They probably will not ask about Saudi Arabia. Connecticut and Rhode Island Republicans will gather at the White House Thursday. They’ll hear from Trump administration officials, including Connecticut Republicans Linda McMahon and Justin Clark. McMahon was the 2010 and 2012 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate. She was also a generous contributor to the 2016 Trump catastrophe for the nation as well as a contributor to the controversial Trump Foundation.

Clark works in the Trump White House. He managed Tom Foley’s 2010 and 2014 races for governor against remarkably unpopular Democratic Governor Dannel P. Malloy. Clark was a member of the team that assisted professional Republican and Clinton Conspiracy theorist Brett Kavanaugh in his nomination to the Supreme Court. Imagine the war stories that come out of that tale. Literary agents can look forward to several more busy years.