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Is Jorge Cabrera Also George Cabrera? His Campaign Refuses to Say.

Well that was unusual. Daily Ructions called the phone number listed on 17th State Senate District Democrat Jorge Cabrera’s website–(203) 525-0487–and left a message. A campaign person returned the call, handed the phone over to someone with the campaign. The question was simple: Was Jorge Cabrera also known as George Cabrera of Fairhaven, Massachusetts? George Cabrera lived in Fairhaven at the turn of the 21st century, That George Cabrera was fined $750 in one of the many absentee ballot fraud scandals that has plagued Bridgeport, according to a 2011 CT Post story.

The Democratic candidate locked in a seesawing contest with incumbent Republican George Logan is originally from Bridgeport.

The campaign declined to provide any information and hung up on Daily Ructions. Others may wish to inquire.