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Timothy Larson Scrambles for Insurance Department Post in Lamont Administration.

Tired of the commute between home in East Hartford and his office at Tweed New Haven airport, Democratic state Senator Timothy Larson is on the hunt for a spot in the incoming Lamont administration. Daily Ructions understands the vengeful legislator is under consideration for a spot in the insurance department. There is some opposition to the move.

Larson’s bullying during the legislature’s consideration of an East Windsor slot shack caused considerable comment in the Capitol Village. That escalated to alarm a secret Larson bid to become head of the state lottery while co-chairing the committee that oversees it was made public by The Courant’s Jon Lender.

Insurance industry officials, which the Lamont administration will have to work to keep in Connecticut, may be looking for more sophisticated leadership for the top jobs in the department.

Larson was re-elected to the Senate in November but would prefer a pension boosting political appointment over honoring his pledge to serve constituents.