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Ask Ructions: The Burdens of Other People’s Affluence.

Dear Ructions,

I need to quell an insurrection. The boss in our office continues to engage in ostentatious displays of wealth. No one among her subordinates enjoys her means—which do not come from her labors at our workplace. Her schedule is repeat with personal pampering appointments while everyone else is at work. She may have lit the fuse by letting people know she was pondering the purchase of a $20,000 handbag while on vacation at a city known as a center for international fashion.

The incident has roiled the ranks who detect a “let them eat cake” aura from our leader. How might a few of us defuse the seething resentment? We do not want anyone to become unemployed for mouthing off about Ms. Antionette’s expensive accoutrements.

Sign me,

Hermesed in America

Dear Hermesed,

The tyranny of the handbag continues. This cannot be what Louis Vuitton and Judith Lieber intended when they created their luxury goods long ago. Still, a moment is upon us and you are right to confront it.

The benefits of capitalism will never be extinguished by those who struggle to advance themselves. The danger comes from the garish clueless. Too bad the boss has no friend outside the office who could—as Her Majesty the Queen does for her prime minister—caution and warn against ill-considered acts.

Your decision not to send a photo of the revealing handbag suggests you may possess the discretion to bring a wary peace. Vulgarity on the march remains a potent force for ill, as each day reminds us. It is not easy to make a telling point to those who believe pricey consumer goods fill their empty core. 

One or two of you must go to New York and have a wander to Canal Street. There you will find replicas of the offending handbag. Scoop up an armful. Distribute them among the budding mutineers. On the rare day when the boss is in residence at work, plan a small celebration around a birthday or leave-taking. Have everyone carry her new handbag. (If it’s a Birkin or Kelly bag, it’s always open.) One of the jolliest among you should point out that someone gave the boss one too! What a sport she is for using it. If she insists on declaring hers is an original, you have done your best and the rebellion will take root.

If you are impaled on the horns of a dilemma and want to risk receiving advice, send a message to kfr@dailyructions.com. Identities will be protected. Messages may be edited.