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Christie Headlines Event for Frey Slush Fund.

It’s that time of year again. State Representative John Frey needs to replenish his airline and hotel fund–formally known as Leadership Connecticut PAC. Chris Christie, the Dannel Malloy of New Jersey, will headline an October 3rd “Evening of Cigar, Cocktails and Politics” at a Waterbury restaurant. Christie ended his second term as governor in 2017 with a 15% approval rating.

Public revulsion at Bridgegate, a failed presidential campaign, toadying to Donald Trump, and a remarkable beach photograph combined to cause the people of New Jersey to agree on one thing: they loathed Christie.

Frey serves on the Republican National Committee and uses most of the money his committee raised to pay for flights and accommodations to and from committee events. The minimum suggested contribution for next week’s event is $140 for individuals, $1,000 for federal PACs.

In 2018, according to campaign finance records, Frey spent $16,770 on administrative travel and lodging and made $12,000 in campaign contributions.