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On Their Marks. Quiet Competition to Succeed Levy on RNC Begins.

The great mentioner has had a busy day. Republican National Committeewoman Leora Levy nomination to serve as the nation’s ambassador to Chile means Levy’s seat on the slavish Trump party committee may become vacant. Levy may retain her spot on the committee while her nomination is pending before the U.S. Senate. The pace of business in Washington may slow with the commencement of impeachment proceedings against the loathsome demagogue.

Levy, who lives in Greenwich, has in recent years listed her occupation as “retired” on campaign finance reports. She has been a prolific donor to Republican candidates and committees. She also gave $1,000 to lobbyist and former U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd for his 1992 re-election campaign. That’s a curious donation because Levy, who with her family fled the murderous Castro regime. Dodd was often a supporter of anti-democratic Latin America regimes.

The competition to succeed Levy will be quietly intense. On Friday, the list of a possible successor, to be chosen by the state party committee, include state Representative Themis Klarides (R-Madison, Hartford, and Derby), Fairfield Republican campaign consultant Liz Kurantowicz, former party vice chair Catherine Marx of Hebron, state party committee member Amy Stefanowski-a full time Madison resident, and former party vice chair Annalisa Stravato, of Wilton.

There will be more.