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Legislative Aides Are Not a Captive Audience.

The less said about this the better is the attitude among denizens of the Capitol village. Nevertheless, we persist in telling this new and rocky tale.

A young Democratic staffer supports one candidate for president, his bullying overlord supported another. The incensed legislator, known for his ugly habit of hollering, would brook no dissent. The public is not funding legislative staffers to work on presidential campaigns during work hours, so the employee’s presidential preference should have been of no consequence. Instead, the subordinate has been moved to a safer place in the LOB, sadder but wiser in the ways of a narcissist.

The legislator may want to review the recent roll call vote on the reappointment of auditor Rob Kane, a former senator, to see a reminder that the mistreatment of staff can enjoy a long half-life. In politics, one never knows what familiar faces he’ll pass on his way down.

Coda: At the end of this historic week in politics, neither candidate the two supported will be the Democratic nominee for president.