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UPDATE: Trooper Suspended, Transferred. Misogynist Video Roils State Police.

A short video criticizing Connecticut State Police has caused dismay in all ranks. The misogynist video screed bemoans allegedly declining standards which the filmmaker suggests includes the rise of women within the agency.

An internal investigation into the origins of the video has begun, Daily Ructions understands.

UPDATE: Brian Foley, executive assistant to James Rovella, Commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP), tells Daily Ructions that troopers began receiving the video on Saturday. They reported it to commanders and others in the chain of command. Swift action followed. An internal affairs investigation confirmed that the video was sent by state trooper William Veras, a member from the force’s tactical team. Veras has been suspended for five days, removed from the tactical team, and transferred to Troop B in Canaan.