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A Curious Omission. Stefanowski Yet to Headline Party Unity Event.

Ned Lamont gathered Democratic victors and vanquished a few days after the wealthy retired businessman won his party’s nomination for governor in a thumping victory. The event signaled Democrats that leaders from all strains of the party are united behind the ticket primary voters chose on August 14th. There’s nothing unusual about a post-primary unity event. What’s odd is that the Republicans have yet to hold one in the aftermath of Bob Stefanowski’s win in a crowded field of five rivals. The Madison Republican and Chris Dodd supporter won 30% of the vote. He needs the losing candidates to engage in a robust demonstration of support. It’s yet to happen.

Stefanowski, who has a pronounced preference for dialing for advice, has been busy on the phone with all sorts of people.  There’s been no congenial event of the faithful who supported other candidates in the contest for governor. Town committee chairs leaders are having the devil’s own time getting the campaign’s attention. Those that do reach Stefanowski campaign aides have noticed a distinct tone of dismissive triumphalism in their conversations. The sort of treatment a troubled customer might get in a pawn shop or payday lender. Some activists are beginning to conclude that their time will be better spent assisting legislative candidate, where the best chance of meaningful victories reside.