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Airing of Grievances: Senate Democrats Marked Festivus at Wednesday Caucus.

It will not be forgotten soon. Senate Democrats engaged in an emotional airing of grievances on Wednesday. It began with remarks on state Senator John Fonfara’s recent strange remarks suggesting he is burdened by being a white man. Colleagues offered their opinions of the controversy in a frank exchange of views. Rage, anger and the Holocaust were among the themes in the wrenching meeting. One member is said to have mentioned that there was a time when Italian young men were not allowed into certain dance halls.

Caucus leaders came in for criticism, with Senator Bob Duff becoming a shiny target.

It may prove a seminal moment for a caucus that has struggled to adjust to the even bipartisan split in upper chamber since the 2016 elections.

Intra-caucus feats of strength may follow later this year.