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Alito Protege Frontrunner for 2nd Circuit Vacancy.

John W. Cerreta, a former clerk to Justice Samuel Alito when Alito was on the Third Circuit, is favored to win White House backing for the Second Circuit vacancy created by the retirement of Connecticut favorite Christopher Droney, Daily Ructions has learned.

Cerreta practices law at the multi-state firm Day Pitney, LLC. The Simsbury Republican received his undergraduate degree from the University of Connecticut in 2002 and his law degree from Cornell three years later.

In the 2018 campaign cycle Cerreta made the maximum allowable contribution to Democrat Shawn Wooden and left-wing Democrat Christopher Mattei, as well as $200 to one-note Republican Robert Stefanowski.

Cerreta was on a list of three potential nominees submitted by the White House to Connecticut’s two United States senators.