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Anwar: Masks for Thee, But Not for Me. Legislator Prescribes Masks but Doesn’t Wear One.

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Pay no attention to state Senator Saud Anwar (D-South Windsor) and it may save your life or someone else’s. Despite what you see in the above-photo, it’s vital to wear a mask, especially if you are a healthcare worker or in or near a healthcare facility.

Follow Governor Ned Lamont’s order on wearing masks, even if a doctor serving in the Senate does not. You’re worried about suppressing the virus and staying healthy. Wear a mask. The Mike Pence of Connecticut wants a full-face photo in the state’s largest newspaper. It’s not worth it. It’s only a picture. Bending the curve is far more important than barefaced vanity.

Anwar has been among a group of Senate Democrats, Daily Ructions has learned, agitating to push Lamont to delay starting to reopen Connecticut’s staggering economy. The reopening of the economy without overwhelming our healthcare system will not work if we do not wear masks. That is particularly true of doctors and state officials.