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Ask Ructions: How Do I Get Out of Here?

Dear Ructions,

There’s not much room for a Connecticut Democrat to rise since the 2018 election cemented some new leaders into place. What does an ambitious Democrat do to get ahead or get away?

Sign me, 

Looking for a ladder

Dear Ladder,

You are right that the most promising opportunities were seized and won last year. Plenty of 2018 Democrats who failed to appear on that autumn ballot are searching for places to go. Not everyone can apply to become a judge. 

Go north. Find a presidential candidate you like and volunteer to help in New Hampshire. Hold signs, knock on doors, make phone calls, and attend events. Become conversant in your candidate’s stands and you may be able to serve as a surrogate at some small gatherings around the state that loves its primary marathon. You could thrust yourself onto the state with nothing but stages for the next two months. You may catch the eye of a campaign professional who will move on to another state on primary night. 

Even a losing campaign can be a path to something bigger. Supporters and staffers from losing campaigns migrate to the winners as the scope of the campaign grows. It helps to be conversant in a couple of issues. Experts get special attention. Faux experts do too. Just ask the loquacious George Papadopoulos. You don’t want to be like him. 

Don’t forget what may happen back in your own backyard. There may be volunteers here you can mobilize to spend time in southern New Hampshire, which is not far, or make calls to voters from here. Now and then the Connecticut’s primary gets some attention. In 2020, it’s part of the April 28th Acela primary of six states in the northeast corridor: Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York. If the nomination has not been decided by then, April 28th could be decisive. National campaigns always appreciate someone who knows the local landscape, especially state election laws. 

While you are helping your candidate, make some friends on the other campaigns. Your paths will cross again before this is done. One of them may be your lifeline to something new.