Australia Soaring Energy Costs Election: Why Connecticut Leaders Worry.

The cost of living crisis in Australia is fueled by the nation’s rising energy costs and it is making the incumbent Labour government nervous, the Financial Times reports.
The mood Down Under is similar to the torments visited upon Connecticut electricity ratepayers. One crucial difference is that in Australia the opposition can blame the government. In Connecticut, opposition Republicans are saddled with their fatal support of the 2017 bill that ties the cost of energy produced at Millstone to the more dynamic natural gas market.
Still, a nimble Republican might be able to pin some of the responsibility for the state’s electricity rates to Governor Ned Lamont’s feckless natural gas policies–as long as that Republican did not cast a vote to please the then-House Republican Leader and First Lady of Eversource Themis Klarides. That vote has as long and lethal a half-life as anything in the Waterford double reactor.
Published March 18, 2025.
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