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Bonus: Stefanowski Offers $5 an Hour Sweetener for Collecting Primary Signatures in the Rain.

Pray for rain. Republican gubernatorial hopeful Bob Stefanowski will pay a $5 an hour bonus for collecting primary petition signatures in the rain. The Madison Republican pays $25 an hour when the sun shines. George Brehl, the campaign’s political director, wants Republican town committee members to see the appeal and spread the news. There’s a $30 bonus for collecting 30 signatures in a day, $50 bonus for snagging 40 signatures in a day.

Stefanowski, who is new to politics and voting, is discovering what veterans know. Finding and persuading thousands of Republicans to sign a petition is much harder than it seems. Nevertheless, the Brehl email notes the campaign is well-organized and on its way to 9,100 signatures.

Days of rain have been an impediment. The approaching holiday weekend will not help. Petitions must be to local registrars of voters on June 12th.

Mark Lauretti and David Stemerman are also collecting signatures.