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Brandon McGee’s Pileup.

State Representative Brandon McGee’s campaign for the Democratic nomination for mayor of Hartford stalled in its first four days. Cars–again.

The four term state representative and his BMWs have caused him considerable embarrassment. Four years ago, McGee was caught parking in a handicap spot at a Hartford Dunkin’ Donuts. The story was widely circulated, as was McGee’s whiny response.

On Thursday, The Courant reported McGee, who has two other jobs in addition to his one in the House, has not paid local property taxes on his current BMW in 2016, 2017, and 2018. McGee referred to the back taxes as an “oversight.” The arrearage amounts to more than $1,300, according to the Courant report.

The taxes are related to a 2010 BMW that McGee says he no longer owns and a 2013 BMW that he currently drives. One of the points McGee may want to try to clarify is how he was able to register the 2013 German luxury car if taxes on the 2010 model were due. Local tax collectors spend many hours dealing with hurried payments from taxpayers with overdue car tax balances who want to register new cars.

McGee’s campaign pileup will have alarmed the forces at education behemoth CREC (where the candidate has one of his three jobs) as plotters look for ways to oust incumbent Luke Bronin. The resilient McGee, they are learning, may not be their best vehicle.