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Bob Patricelli and the Hartford Patricelarchy Holding Wednesday Event for David Stemerman.

Someone’s being invited inside the box. Some big gets for David Stemerman. Keep an eye on who attends. And it’s free–or at least there’s no charge to get in.

July 24, 2018   Comments Off on Bob Patricelli and the Hartford Patricelarchy Holding Wednesday Event for David Stemerman.

Beyond Puffery. Bermudez Zimmerman Claims to Have Written 2009 Stimulus Package Legislation–as Rangel Intern.

In a July 17th tweet, Democratic lieutenant governor hopeful Eva Bermudez Zimmerman claims she “was writing stimulus package legislation on Capital [sic] Hill” among her other achievements in politics. The $800 billion stimulus was passed in February 2009, not long after President Barack Obama took office. Zimmerman was an intern in then-U.S. Representative Charles Rangel’s office at the time.

In a profile in The Hill as part of its 2009 “50 Most Beautiful People,” Zimmerman’s duties in Rangel’s office were described more modestly. “Bermudez has hosted bilingual meetings, written briefs and memos in Spanish and spoken on air for Spanish news stations like Telemundo on behalf of the congressman. When asked about her experience as an intern on Capitol Hill, she said, ‘It’s amazing; it’s a very busy office.'”  No mention of writing stimulus legislation.

Zimmerman faces endorsed Democrat and Ned Lamont running mate Susan Bysiewicz in the August 14th primary. This is Zimmerman’s first bid for statewide office. It’s Bysiewicz’s ninth.

July 23, 2018   Comments Off on Beyond Puffery. Bermudez Zimmerman Claims to Have Written 2009 Stimulus Package Legislation–as Rangel Intern.

Tong Releases First Ad. Says He’ll Take on Trump.

He couldn’t beat David Martin in a Democratic primary for mayor of Stamford, so William Tong’s claim he’ll beat Donald Trump is unlikely to convince anyone. Nevertheless, here’s the Democratic attorney general candidate’s first ad that you, taxpayer, are funding. It’s heavy on the hyperbole. Too bad Tong couldn’t rouse himself to this past spring for a judge being pummeled by a barrage of anti-Semiticism.

Doesn’t look like there are any shots at a courthouse in the ad. Tong must not have had a driver on the day the exterior shots were recorded.

Tong faces Paul Doyle and Christopher Mattei in the August 14th Democratic primary.

July 19, 2018   Comments Off on Tong Releases First Ad. Says He’ll Take on Trump.

It Continues: Stemerman Replies to Stefanowski and Lists His Contributions.

The Stemerman campaign provides this response to the Stefanowski reaction to today’s attack ad on the former payday lender executive. Are you following this? From Stemerman spokesman Albert Eisenberg:

“The contrast in this race could not be more clear – David has been a registered Republican for over 15 years and has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Republican candidates and conservative organizations over that same period of time.   Bob Stefanowski not only didn’t vote for over 15 years or support our last three Republican Presidential nominees, but he was a registered Democrat who donated to fellow Democrats right up until he decided to run for Governor last year.  That’s called being an opportunist, not a party loyalist.  The facts speak for themselves and Republicans in Connecticut deserve to know them.”  

Here’s a list of some of David Stemerman’s federal campaign contributions to Republicans.

  • $15,000 to the Connecticut Republican Party (2014 & 2017)
  • $100,000 to Top Republican Super PAC (American Crossroads in 2012)
  • $30,000 to the Republican National Committee (2012)
  • $10,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee (2012)
  • $5,000 to Mitt Romney (2012)
  • $1,000 to John McCain (2008)
  • $2,300 to Rudy Giuliani (2007)

Stemerman also contributed to Steve Obsitnik’s 2014 congressional campaign.

State Republicans have had considerable practice weighing a Republican candidate’s contributions to a Democrat. Connecticut Republican Linda McMahon, a prodigious self-funder in 2010 and 2012, was a generous financial supporter of Chicago Democrat Rahm Emanuel, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Virginia Democratic U.S. Senator Mark Warner.

July 18, 2018   Comments Off on It Continues: Stemerman Replies to Stefanowski and Lists His Contributions.

Stefanowski Stumbles. Generous Chris Dodd Supporter Responds to Stemerman Ad.

Bob for Governor is not best pleased with the public airing of his political contributions and empty voting record. Recent Democrat-turned-Republican Bob Stefanowski is struggling to hit back at a David Stemerman campaign ad attacking him. The former payday lender/loan shark executive wants voters to know that Stemerman also contributed to a Democrat. The Greenwich Republican made a contribution to Barack Obama in the 2008 campaign–and also to Republican nominee John McCain.

The 2008 cycle was when Stefanowski, brace yourself, gave a generous contribution to Democrat Christopher Dodd’s presidential campaign. Good luck explaining that one. Stefanowski wanted Christopher Dodd to be the president of the United States.

Here’s the Stefanowski’s statement:

Branford, CT – At last week’s debate, the gubernatorial candidates were asked about their voting records.  I stood up and took the issue head on stating, I was a Democrat for eight months, but a Republican for 25 years. Ronald Reagan, Larry Kudlow and President Trump are all pretty good former Democrats as well!  I lived overseas for years and traveled extensively, I should have filed an absentee ballot. I wish it were different.  But leadership is about taking responsibility for your actions and moving forward.

Ironically, David Stemerman, who in fact was a registered Democrat for seven years (1996 to 2003) and gave thousands of dollars to Barack Obama stood silently at his podium at last week’s debate.  Why did Mr. Stemerman dodge the question when it was obviously directed at him as well? To make matters worse, Mr. Stemerman released an attack ad on television this morning where his own record is profoundly worse!

The next CEO of Connecticut needs to be direct, candid, tough, and have integrity.  Voters want a candidate who will eliminate our state income tax and put Connecticut back to work – not someone like David Stemerman who dodges tough questions and doesn’t have the guts to get rid of the state income tax.  I have been turning around billion dollar companies for years with leadership, integrity and accountability.  I can do just that as your next governor.

The facts are pretty simple:

David Stemerman was a registered Democrat from 1996 – 2003 in New York City, 7 years as opposed to Stefanowski’s 8 months

David Stemerman gave thousands of dollars to Barack Obama

Stefanowski who resides with his wife and three daughters in Madison, CT was formerly a senior executive with General Electric and the Chief Financial Officer of UBS Investment Bank. He has introduced a five step economic plan to save Connecticut that has been endorsed by Dr. Arthur Laffer, senior economic advisor to President’s Trump and Reagan.

Note that Stefanowski does not mention his most recent job, heading a big player in the disreputable payday lending business.

July 18, 2018   Comments Off on Stefanowski Stumbles. Generous Chris Dodd Supporter Responds to Stemerman Ad.

Obsitnik Approved.

That was close. Republican gubernatorial hopeful Steve Obsitnik was approved for $1.3 million in public funds for his campaign on Wednesday. The Westport businessman had struggled to get his application for the money right since a strong third place showing at the Republican nominating convention in May. The State Elections Enforcement Commission declined to approve Obsitnik’s application week after painful week.

The money will be much easier to spend than it was to get. The primary is August 14th.


July 18, 2018   Comments Off on Obsitnik Approved.

It Begins: Stemerman Takes Down Builder Bob in New Ad.

It helps to have money. Self-funding Republican David Stemerman begins to dismantle gubernatorial rival Bob Stefanowski today. Stemerman takes to the airwaves Wednesday morning with an ad highlighting Stefanowski’s recent history as a registered Democrat. The ad notes that Stefanowski, who declined to participate in elections for 16 years, did not vote for a host of Republicans, including Mitt Romney, John McCain and Donald Trump (who has also been a generous  donor to Democrats, including to Hillary Clinton).

The 30 second ad also slips in a reference to Stefanowski’s campaign contributions to Democrats. Primary voters will see the ad on cable and broadcast television in Connecticut and New York markets. Stefanowski’s latest campaign finance report suggests he will struggle to mount a defense that comes close to matching the comprehensive attack.

Republicans select their candidate for governor on August 14th.

July 18, 2018   Comments Off on It Begins: Stemerman Takes Down Builder Bob in New Ad.

Ganim Gets Tangled in Tesla. Wanted Distribution Center in Bridgeport, Now Disdains Popular Electric Car.

Joe Ganim does enjoy mocking Democratic rival Ned Lamont’s vast wealth and the accoutrements that accompany it. Where once it was bathrooms, now it’s Tesla. The Bridgeport mayor wondered if Lamont is driving a Tesla in his recent campaign ad. “I’m for electric cars. I’m not  Tesla fan…I have a little struggle with the Tesla, if you don’t mind,” according to a Courant report.

Is he sure? That’s not what he testified to at a 2017 legislative hearing. Ganim made the case then that Bridgeport out to be the home of a Tesla regional distribution center. Ganim went on at some length in his testimony to share details of his meeting with Tesla executives. He deleted any elements of “a little struggle” with the electric car manufacturer. You can read it here. 

Moving beyond the political arena, the popularity of Tesla vehicles has led to a burgeoning market for Tesla accessories. Owners of models like the Tesla Model Y often seek to personalize and enhance their vehicles with a range of accessories tailored to their specific needs and preferences. From sleek interior upgrades to practical exterior additions, the world of tesla model y accessories offers a plethora of options for enthusiasts looking to make their electric ride truly their own. Whether it’s premium floor mats, custom storage solutions, or advanced charging accessories, Tesla owners have access to a diverse ecosystem of products designed to complement and elevate their driving experience.

Sometimes it seems candidates will say things they don’t believe in order to try to land the weakest of blows. Often they miss and do more damage to themselves–and look silly for their effort.

July 17, 2018   Comments Off on Ganim Gets Tangled in Tesla. Wanted Distribution Center in Bridgeport, Now Disdains Popular Electric Car.

Kane Uses State Email Account to Hawk Concert Tickets to Legislators, Staffers.

State Auditor Rob Kane appears not to understand his job. The deadbeat dad and Republican auditor used his state email account to send a message Monday morning to all legislators and staff members offering to sell Foo Fighter concert tickets this Saturday in Boston for $100 each. You read that right.

Kane was re-elected to his seat in the state senate in 2016 but declined to take office as part of a sordid deal to get the auditors job in early 2017.

Kane’s misuse of public resources to sell concert tickets will attract the attention of state ethics.

July 16, 2018   Comments Off on Kane Uses State Email Account to Hawk Concert Tickets to Legislators, Staffers.

Programming Note: Learn Why “To Kill a Mockingbird” Matters.

Waterbury native and Daily Ructions friend Tom Santopietro will be at the Mark Twain House Thursday, July 19th at 6 p.m. to discuss his new book, “Why To Kill a Mockingbird Matters”. Here are details of the event, which includes a screening of the film starring Gregory Peck. People in and around politics always like a good chin wag about Harper Lee’s classic novel. If you attend Thursday’s event, Tom may entertain you with a bonus round of stories from his years managing Broadway shows.

Tom has also written The Sound of Music Story, Barbara Cook: Then and Now, The Godfather Effect, The Importance of Being Barbra, Considering Doris Day (A New York Times Editor’s Choice) and Sinatra in Hollywood. He also co-write Barbara Cook: Then and Now with the late icon.

July 16, 2018   Comments Off on Programming Note: Learn Why “To Kill a Mockingbird” Matters.