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Update: Tong’s Example.

Here’s one of the two cases Democratic attorney general hopeful William Tong cites as an example of his experience trying cases. Note the court record calls it a hearing in damages–judgment without trial. Tong, a Stamford Democrat may want to make more than a gossamer attempt to answer an ordinary question about his experience.

The thin-skinned candidate labeled Glastonbury lawyer Ryan McKeen’s questions about Tong’s experience a “smear.” That’s the same word Tong ally Speaker of the House Joseph Aresimiwicz used to characterize this account of Tong’s reprehensible abandonment of Judge Jane Emons’ renomination this spring in the face of an anti-Semitic onslaught.

Updates as events require.

July 11, 2018   Comments Off on Update: Tong’s Example.

Greenberg Out of Money in Comptroller’s Race. Real Estate Developer Has $309.48 On Hand.

Litchfield County real estate developer Mark Greenberg dropped millions of his own money on his three unsuccessful campaigns for Congress in 2010, 2012, and 2014. He lost Republican primaries in 2010 and 2012. In 2014, Greenberg won the party nomination but was defeated by Democratic incumbent Elizabeth Esty.

Greenberg was going to run for Esty’s open seat this year and threatened to put another million into that campaign. Instead, he’s running for state comptroller, challenging party endorsed candidate Kurt Miller. Greenberg has no money advantage this time. As of June 30th, his campaign has $309.48 on hand and owes $20,000. Not a traditional path to victory.

July 11, 2018   Comments Off on Greenberg Out of Money in Comptroller’s Race. Real Estate Developer Has $309.48 On Hand.

Tong Listed Occupation As “State Representative” on SEEC Form. Does He Pass the Bysiewicz Test?

What does William Tong do? The question is not going away. The Stamford Democrat will face more queries on whether he meets the “Bysiewicz test” for trial experience to serve as attorney general. Tong won the Democratic endorsement for attorney general at the May 19th party convention. He faces two opponents in the August 14th primary, state Senator Paul Doyle (D-Wethersfield) and first time candidate Christopher Mattei.

Tong’s experience as a lawyer has been a burbling issue since the convention. The issue took on more significance when this WTNH story appeared Tuesday.

Even Tong seems unsure. When he made a campaign contribution to himself in June, Tong listed his occupation as “State Representative”. We take him at his word.

July 11, 2018   Comments Off on Tong Listed Occupation As “State Representative” on SEEC Form. Does He Pass the Bysiewicz Test?

Working Families Party Endorses Eva Bermudez Zimmerman.

Another boost for lieutenant governor candidate Eva Bermudez Zimmerman. The Newtown Democrat has won the endorsement of the Working Families Party in the run-up to the main event, the August 14th Democratic primary. In that contest, Zimmerman faces endorsed Democrat and frequent candidate Susan Bysiewicz.

This does not appear to be a locked-down ballot endorsement. WFP is likely to endorse the winners of the Democratic primaries, so Bysiewicz is still in with a chance if she can defeat Zimmerman on August 14th.

July 10, 2018   Comments Off on Working Families Party Endorses Eva Bermudez Zimmerman.

A Senate Democratic Staffer Leaves, Explains Why in Widely Circulated Letter.

This letter from Joel Frazier, an aide in the Senate Democratic caucus, appeared in LOB mailboxes. Click on the photo to read.

July 10, 2018   Comments Off on A Senate Democratic Staffer Leaves, Explains Why in Widely Circulated Letter.

Ouch. Bhargava Raises Corruption at Baseball Stadium in Bid to Provoke Wooden to Debate.

Dita Bhargava’s frustration is showing. The Greenwich Democrat has not been able to get party-endorsed rival for state treasurer to participate in a debate. On Tuesday the former financial manager launched a mocking open letter to the Hartford Democrat. It is the sort of tactic that may not cause Wooden to debate Bhargava but it will provide plenty of material for the Republican nominee should Wooden advance to the autumn contest as the party’s nominee. The reference to Wooden’s role as header of Hartford’s city council when the Dunkin’ Donuts stadium was conceived, unveiled and begun ought to cause some muttering about the tone the campaign may take in its concluding five weeks.

Bhargave makes the now-obligatory reference to summer primary star and New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She defeated party stalwart U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley in their June contest. Connecticut voters may be reluctant to elect as state treasurer a candidate giving a nod to socialism.

See the Bhargava piece below.

Debate avoiders may want to recall Dannel Malloy’s devastating 2010 commercial criticizing Ned Lamont for ducking debates with the surly Stamford brawler in their primary fight. Malloy scored a thumping come-from-behind win that August.

Dita to Shawn: What are you so afraid of?

(FAIRFIELD, CT) – Dita Bhargava, Democrat candidate running for State Treasurer, wrote the following letter to her opponent Shawn Wooden as he continues to dodge debates:

Dear Shawn,

When we both came out of the convention with enough support to run for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer, I hoped that we’d take part in a campaign that put my best ideas against yours. That way primary voters could make an informed decision when they go to the polls on August 14th.

After weeks of trying to get you to engage, I have to say that I’m really puzzled by why you won’t debate me.

Let’s be clear: the candidate forum scheduled in Hartford at the end of July is not a debate. We’ve done dozens of these forums to date and so far no one – excluding you – has confused them with a debate.

What does it say about your campaign and how you would run the Treasurer’s office when you won’t leave your hometown and have a discussion with actual voters? What are you so afraid of?

Is it that you may be asked about your time as President of the Hartford City Council – during which our capital city declined into near bankruptcy?

Is it that under your supervision, the Hartford Yard Goat Stadium project was riddled with corruption and mismanagement?

Over the last several weeks, your sense of entitlement has become increasingly concerning.

When I revealed the fact that you attempted to push me out of the race, you said that I was either “mistaken or lying.” It is impertinent and an insult to call a woman ignorant or a liar when she speaks the truth.

Most importantly, voters deserve to be engaged and hear from candidates. We don’t have to look far to see the energy around candidates who make the effort to speak to voters, even when those candidates are new to the political process. Look no further than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

There is still time to honor the democratic process and give voters the opportunity to hear a vigorous debate on issues that concern them the most. We’ve reached out to other organizations and we’re going to do our best to make sure these events happen. If I have not heard back from you by the time these events are scheduled, we’ll gladly set up an empty chair to honor your decision. The chair will say about as much as you’ve said regarding how you would conduct yourself in office.


Dita Bhargava

July 6, 2018   Comments Off on Ouch. Bhargava Raises Corruption at Baseball Stadium in Bid to Provoke Wooden to Debate.

Poseurs Alert. Tong and D’Agostino.

What bargaining units do employees at their corporate law firms belong to?

That long face on the right may have been captured when ragtop Six Series saw the union endorsement questionnaire asking if he drives a UAW-made vehicle.

June 29, 2018   Comments Off on Poseurs Alert. Tong and D’Agostino.

Big Get: John Larson to Endorse Paul Doyle for Attorney General.

Veteran Democratic U.S. Representative John Larson will endorse state Senator Paul Doyle’s bid for attorney general in the August 14th party primary. Larson’s support will be a rare break by a high ranking party leader from the usual support of party-endorsed candidates. Doyle eked onto the ballot at the May 19th party convention with support from the Bridgeport delegation. Doyle’s hometown Whethersfield delegation supported Bridgeport Mayor Joseph Ganim at the convention.

Larson will also endorse treasurer candidate Shawn Wooden. The East Hartford Democrat will also lend his support to perennial statewide candidate Susan Bysiewicz, who faces a spirited challenge from Newtown Democrat Eva Bermudez Zimmerman in their competition for lieutenant governor.

Larson will also endorse Ned Lamont for governor. Ganim was Larson’s choice for lieutenant governor in 1994.

June 29, 2018   Comments Off on Big Get: John Larson to Endorse Paul Doyle for Attorney General.

Guy Smith Falls 5,000 Short.

There’s no third way onto the statewide primary ballot in Connecticut. You either qualify at the convention or collect thousands of signatures. It’s official. Democrat Guy Smith fell 5,ooo signatures short of the 15,000 he needed to join Ned Lamont and Joe Ganim in the August 14th party contest for governor.

Smith had promised a mysterious third way to fix the state’s finances that would avoid tax increases and cuts in the state’s workforce. The message failed to inspire supporters in what started as a crowded Democratic field of hopefuls. Susan Bysiewicz bluffed her way into becoming Lamont’s running mate. Luke Bronin withdrew from the field of battle. Dita Barghava is challenging endorsed candidate Shawn Wooden for treasurer. Chris Mattei is in a three-way primary for attorney general. Smith’s campaign now concludes.

June 26, 2018   Comments Off on Guy Smith Falls 5,000 Short.

Stemerman Commits $10 Million More to Campaign. Will Advertise in NY Media Market.

Greenwich Republican gubernatorial hopeful David Stemerman announced Monday morning he is “investing” an additional $10 million to his primary campaign. That’s in addition to the $2 million he’s spent so far to launch his campaign and petition onto the August 14th primary ballot.

Stemerman’s announcement noted that the additional money will allow him to “expand its advertising to include New York broadcast television and increased cable, digital and direct mail advertising statewide.” A $10 million primary budget–if that’s what it’s all earmarked for–will buy a lot of attention. Candidates participating in the state’s public financing program receive $1.35 million for the primary contest.

June 25, 2018   Comments Off on Stemerman Commits $10 Million More to Campaign. Will Advertise in NY Media Market.