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Republican Contest for Governor to Boost Jobs in Connecticut.

It begins with Bob Stefanowski. The freshly minted Madison Republican is looking for petition circulators. Here’s a link. The job is harder than it sounds–that’s why he needs 200 circulators. Anyone who has collected Republican signatures for primary petitions will tell you that registered party members are thin on the ground. People often do not know how they are registered or are in error in believing they are enrolled in a party.

Self-funder Stefanowski is one of the candidates who will be seeking to collect about 10,000 Republican signatures (you need a buffer) to qualify for the August primary for governor. Expect others to follow, including Greenwich self-funder David Stemerman. Others who fall short of the 15% of the delegates on any ballot at the party’s May nominating convention required to qualify for the primary ballot will also need to collect signatures.

April 26, 2018   Comments Off on Republican Contest for Governor to Boost Jobs in Connecticut.

Stewart Wanted to Raise Taxes on Greenwich to Give to New Britain.

How will Peter Tesei explain this? Here’s his running mate Erin Stewart offering her plan last fall for New Britain’s finances. “God forbid we took a little more from Greenwich to give to New Britain. Can’t do that.”

Delegates from Greenwich to the Republican state nominating convention next month may be reluctant to support a candidate who wants to increase their taxes.

April 24, 2018   Comments Off on Stewart Wanted to Raise Taxes on Greenwich to Give to New Britain.

Tesei Inaugurates Season of Betrayal. Knifes Obsitnik, Forms Alliance With Stewart.

Connecticut political conventions and the weeks preceding them are grim festivals of betrayals. Pledges that appear sincere are discarded in the pursuit of advantage and ambition. It is a dispiriting ritual. Veteran Greenwich First Selectman Peter Tesei seemed pleased indeed when he endorsed Republican Steve Obsitnik for governor. There was no reason to conclude Tesei did not mean what he said about Obsitnik. The earnest pledge has long been the reticent Tesei’s calling card.

Poor Peter. “It profit a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world,” but for a late run at lieutenant governor with Erin Stewart? Tesei’s early heavy lift will be to deliver the Greenwich delegation to the New Britain mayor, who has struggled with policy substance on the campaign trail. The potty-mouthed, tax raising mayor may not be the sort of candidate who will inspire a stampede of Greenwich delegates to her. As of Monday night, Obsitnik’s Greenwich support, which has been growing, appeared to be holding firm.

Nevertheless, this cycle’s season of betrayal has begun with Peter Tesei. It does not have to continue.

April 23, 2018   Comments Off on Tesei Inaugurates Season of Betrayal. Knifes Obsitnik, Forms Alliance With Stewart.

At Last, Republican Candidates for AG Can Meet in Proper Debate.

Thanks to the University of Connecticut School of Law campus Republicans, attorney general candidates John Shaban and Susan Hatfield can meet to debate before the party nominating convention. This invitation is for May 3rd on the school’s campus in the William F. Starr Reading Room.

Shaban served in the legislature before running for Congress in 2016. Hatfield is on leave from her perch as a prosecutor. She’s been a competitive bodybuilder, so is no stranger to the stage. The Shaban-Hatfield campaign has won attention of late mostly for each candidate’s dire fundraising performance.

The Democrats running for attorney general have been appearing together across the state. The May 3rd law school event (perhaps someone will stream it) will give delegates a chance to compare rivals in an important race that has not been commanding enough attention.

April 22, 2018   Comments Off on At Last, Republican Candidates for AG Can Meet in Proper Debate.

No Surprise: Herbst Surveys Delegates and Finds He’s Ahead!

Volatile former Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst has conducted a survey of Republican state convention delegates. He’s only sharing the results with some people. Shhh, his survey found he’s first.

Herbst claims he’s the choice of 31% of 101% (these Connecticut politicians and their math) of the delegates. No word on what percentage of delegates were called and what percentage expressed a preference. Daily Ructions understands delegates who didn’t respond received a calm pro-Herbst call from someone other than the excitable candidate.

April 22, 2018   Comments Off on No Surprise: Herbst Surveys Delegates and Finds He’s Ahead!

D’Agostino Out. Six Series Drops AG Bid.

State Representative Mike D’Agostino has abandoned his bid for the Democratic nomination for attorney general. The corporate lawyer and Hamden Democrat announced Friday that he will not seek statewide office days after a rough night among New Haven Democrats. He will seek re-election to the House.

April 20, 2018   Comments Off on D’Agostino Out. Six Series Drops AG Bid.

Connecticut Lost 2,000 Jobs in March.

Alarming news for the working people of Connecticut. The state lost 2,000 jobs in March, according to Department of Labor statistics. Despite a robust national economy, Connecticut’s economy continues to struggle with steady job creation.

The bad news will dog candidates for governor as most struggle to produce a credible plan for the way forward.

April 20, 2018   Comments Off on Connecticut Lost 2,000 Jobs in March.

Airing of Grievances: Senate Democrats Marked Festivus at Wednesday Caucus.

It will not be forgotten soon. Senate Democrats engaged in an emotional airing of grievances on Wednesday. It began with remarks on state Senator John Fonfara’s recent strange remarks suggesting he is burdened by being a white man. Colleagues offered their opinions of the controversy in a frank exchange of views. Rage, anger and the Holocaust were among the themes in the wrenching meeting. One member is said to have mentioned that there was a time when Italian young men were not allowed into certain dance halls.

Caucus leaders came in for criticism, with Senator Bob Duff becoming a shiny target.

It may prove a seminal moment for a caucus that has struggled to adjust to the even bipartisan split in upper chamber since the 2016 elections.

Intra-caucus feats of strength may follow later this year.

April 20, 2018   Comments Off on Airing of Grievances: Senate Democrats Marked Festivus at Wednesday Caucus.

Duff Solicits Lobbyists for Re-Election Campaign.

Lobbyists were startled and uneasy this week when a fundraising appeal arrived by email from state Senator Bob Duff, the upper chamber’s number two Democrat. The Norwalk Democrat was seeks contributions to his re-election campaign. The inclusion of lobbyists in the solicitation violates a longstanding statute that prohibits legislators from soliciting lobbyists during the legislative session.

Duff says he corrected his error when he discovered it. Nevertheless, an explanation to the State Elections Enforcement Commission may be in order.

April 19, 2018   Comments Off on Duff Solicits Lobbyists for Re-Election Campaign.

Leapin’ Lizards Alert: You Know the State’s Bad When Ned Lamont Needs a Fiver.

Connecticut’s troubles must be are worsening. No better proof than a fundraising email from wealthy Greenwich scion Ned Lamont. The self-funder needs $5. He made the appeal in a message announcing “an emergency fundraising drive.”

Lamont poured millions from his family fortune into his 2006 U.S. Senate campaign against incumbent Democrat Joseph I. Lieberman. In that campaign, Lamont’s spokesperson would disguise his cash transfers as “amplifying” the few donations he received from supporters. Lamont reached into his deep pockets in 2010 in a race for the Democratic nomination for governor, losing the August primary to Dannel P. Malloy by 15 points.

The Lamont family exchequer can’t be empty. He hasn’t been paying hefty dues to the all-white Greenwich country club he belonged to until just before he launched his bid against Lieberman.

April 18, 2018   Comments Off on Leapin’ Lizards Alert: You Know the State’s Bad When Ned Lamont Needs a Fiver.