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The MDC is Missing Water–a Lot of It.

A message sent on Saturday, January 20th explaining the inexplicable increase of 4 million gallons a day in production of water.

Dear Commissioners and Citizen Members,

In an effort to keep you informed, I would like to advise you of an ongoing investigation into an approximately 4mgd increase in water production at the West Hartford Water Treatment Facility. Potential causes for this increase include one or several water main leaks in the distribution system that are not directly affecting customers at this time.  Sources of the leaks can include main pipe leaks currently undetected; private property leaks on domestic and/or fire services; customer-side pipe breaks in vacant buildings or new development sites with water service but no customers yet; and/or a new development that has begun using water and has not been metered yet, among others.

In order to determine why this increase has occurred, Operations, Facilities and Engineering staff members, under the direction of the CEO, have engaged in a coordinated effort to investigate numerous potential causes for this increase in production. Recent extreme weather conditions have contributed to the challenge in locating the source of this increase.  We have experienced a record number of water main breaks in the last month, and even with the recent brief warm-ups, the pace has not slowed down. It is also important to note that the extremely efficient design of our distribution system includes an intricate interconnection of valves, pipes and tanks providing a redundancy that allows the system to compensate for water losses or drops in pressure – as it was designed to do – effectively helping to mask a potential leak somewhere in the system.

Our efforts to date have included reviews of hourly monitoring of system production and distribution water levels and pressures; physical inspection of areas where water mains abut or cross water courses (where a leak might not be readily visible); systematic shut down of various pipes in the 1500 miles of distribution system that, based on how the system compensates, might lead us to a potential break area, and also allows us to isolate and exclude areas as contributing to the leak; correlation (a method of measuring the location of a leak in a water main with specialized listening equipment) of sections of pipe that might sustain a leak that would not be readily noticeable to customers; a review of recent metered (billed) consumption to look for any significant increases; inspection and meter reading of vacant properties to determine if there is an internal leak and if so, subsequent shut off of the water supply to the property;  and twice daily coordination meetings to review results of the investigation and determine next steps.

Rest assured we have “all hands on deck” for this investigation, and I could not be more proud the staff who has worked tirelessly during duty and non-duty hours alike to examine every avenue to find the source of this increased production and bring this issue to a close. As we continue to work through this process I will keep you informed, and provide a full report at the February Board meeting.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Bill DiBella

January 22, 2018   Comments Off on The MDC is Missing Water–a Lot of It.

Hatfield to Begin Exploring Bid for AG.

Republican Susan Hatfield will meet with supporters in Jewett City on Tuesday morning to announce she’s exploring a bid for attorney general. In anticipation of the campaign, Hatfield has taken a leave of absence from her position in the Office of the Chief State’s Attorney.

Hatfield joins former state Representative John Shaban in the Republican race for attorney general. Five Democrats are competing in a sharp-elbowed competition for their party’s nomination.

January 21, 2018   Comments Off on Hatfield to Begin Exploring Bid for AG.

Romano Video Partner Out Of Trump Administration After CNN Discovers Trail of Hate Speech.

They called themselves the Whiskey Patriots. Their misbegotten videos of Republican chairman J.R. Romano and his friend Carl Higbie are gone from the internet, but some evidence of their joint venture lives on. The Whiskey Patriots video project always seemed like a bad idea. CNN’s investigation of Higbie pronouncements caused noxious Republican Higbie to leave his job in the Trump administrations. It has to be bad when something you’ve said is deemed offensive by those people.

Before he joined the Trump administration as a minor spokesman, Higbie had been on the Lumaj campaign payroll at $3,000 a month.


January 19, 2018   Comments Off on Romano Video Partner Out Of Trump Administration After CNN Discovers Trail of Hate Speech.

Arulampalam Running for Treasurer.

Exploring no more. Hartford lobbyist and lawyer Arunan Arulampalam is seeking the Democratic nomination for state treasurer. Arulampalam joins the parade of candidates who have chosen to seek a statewide office in their first foray into elective politics.

With an assist from his father-in-law, utility executive Greg Butler, and the lobbying community, Arulampalam’s exploratory committee raised $41,126.00 in campaign funds in the fourth quarter of 2017.

He will face former Hartford city council leader Shawn Wooden in what is likely to be an early test of strength and airing of grievances when Hartford Democrats select their delegates to the May nominating convention.

January 18, 2018   Comments Off on Arulampalam Running for Treasurer.

A Herbst Gets Dan Drewed in Trumbull.

Some headwinds in Trumbull Tuesday night for Dan Drew Tim Herbst. The Republican gubernatorial hopeful’s potty mouthed mother went down to emphatic defeat in the local town committee election. The matriarch of the famously litigious clan was one of just two hopefuls who failed to win a seat on the local party organization committee. Herbst’s father was able to claim a seat.

The local ruckus came the week after candidate Herbst posted an anemic $21,000 in fourth quarter fundraising, leaving the former first selectman lagging behind rivals with less experience in raising money for a statewide race.

January 18, 2018   Comments Off on A Herbst Gets Dan Drewed in Trumbull.

Mike Handler’s Westport Adventure. Candidate Declares He Voted for Bloomberg in 2016.

New Canaan Republican Mike Handler, like the rest of the herd, is visiting town committees around the state. One never knows what local members will ask. On Wednesday, Handler was asked who he voted for in the 2016 presidential election. He wrote in Michael Bloomberg, the former three-term mayor of New York. who for some of those 12 years was a Republican.

Good for Handler on his candor–and his choice not to sully his ballot by voting for the loathsome demagogue.

Handler had a rougher time when Westport Republican and former state senator John McKinney confronted the candidate with his voting record. Handler, McKinney discovered, did not vote in the 2010 and 2014 Republican primaries. The 2014 contest was of particular interest to McKinney, since that’s the one in which he faced Tom Foley for the party’s nomination for governor. Foley won the primary and proceeded to throw away the election in his November defeat to unpopular incumbent Dannel P. Malloy.

January 18, 2018   Comments Off on Mike Handler’s Westport Adventure. Candidate Declares He Voted for Bloomberg in 2016.

Democracy Upheld. Court Takeover of Public Schools Fails.

Connecticut’s high court affirmed elected officials’ control over public education policy Wednesday. The 4-3 decision overturns a  2016 Superior Court decision that sought to establish judicial oversight of public education. The 2016 decision also took unsettling aim at the state’s funding of special education, threatening to bar children in need from the state’s schools. Those children are safe from the decision’s chilling animosity.

January 17, 2018   Comments Off on Democracy Upheld. Court Takeover of Public Schools Fails.

This Day: Education Funding Decision Expected to be Released at 3 p.m.

Watch for the Supreme Court to release its decision this afternoon on the interminable challenge to the state’s education funding formula and the power of the people and their elected representatives to determine public education policy in Connecticut.

January 17, 2018   Comments Off on This Day: Education Funding Decision Expected to be Released at 3 p.m.

Ned Lamont Launches Second Bid for Governor.

Ned Lamont returns. The Greenwich millionaire will seek the Democratic nomination for governor. Lamont began his campaign Wednesday with the release of a 2-minute video in which he stakes his claim to the left-wing Democratic primary voters.

Lamont denounces the state’s leadership of the past 30 or 40 years for letting down its residents. His first priority will be a $15 an hour minimum wage. He also declares we need women in leadership positions across state government (just not as governor this time).

Lamont will continue a tour of diners that looks like it began while filming the launch video.

This is Lamont’s third statewide campaign. His first was a memorable challenge to then-incumbent Joseph Lieberman for the 2006 Democratic nomination for U.S. senator. Lamont, running against American involvement to the war in Iraq, won a primary victory that made news around the world. Lieberman continued the fight as an independent candidate and scored a decisive win against Lamont that November. In 2010, Lamont suffered a landslide defeat when he lost to endorsed Democrat Dannel P. Malloy in the Democratic primary for governor. Malloy is by implication one those leaders Lamont believes has let down the state.

With his willingness to spend part of his fortune, Lamont will have a financial advantage in preparing for the May nominating convention and the inevitable August primary. He has not, however, been a familiar figure among party activists to the same degree as chief rival Susan Bysiewicz.

January 17, 2018   Comments Off on Ned Lamont Launches Second Bid for Governor.

There’s One Born Every Minute.

Bob Stefanowski, who has so far contributed $350,000 to his campaign, paid economist Arthur Laffer $75,000 to create and then explain the Republican’s plan to eliminate Connecticut’s corporate, estate and income taxes. Stefanowski, of Madison, rolled out the plan in five locations and was accompanied on his tour by Laffer. According to the latest Bob for Governor campaign finance report, Stefanowski paid Laffer $50,000 for the plan and $5,000 for each appearance.

Stefanowski has paid Tom Scott’s Liberty Strategies $20,000 for consulting services.

January 11, 2018   Comments Off on There’s One Born Every Minute.