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David Stemerman Hires Some Talent. Davis to Create Media, Public Opinion Strategies to Conduct Polling.

Republican gubernatorial hopeful David Stemerman has hired some notable experienced Republican campaign operators, according to his campaign finance report. The Greenwich Republican’s first bid for public office will be assisted by “mad genius” admeister Fred Davis, who works out of Hollywood. Polling will be conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, a Washington firm with decades of Connecticut experience.

Stemerman paid Connecticut Republican consultant Ben Proto $12,500.00 on December 29th, which may cause Stemerman rivals to breathe a sigh of relief.



January 11, 2018   Comments Off on David Stemerman Hires Some Talent. Davis to Create Media, Public Opinion Strategies to Conduct Polling.

Boughton is There With Plenty to Spare. Hits $272,000.

A happy day for Mark Boughton. The Danbury mayor tells Daily Ructions he has raised $272,000 in qualifying contributions. That’s $22,000 over the amount required to qualify for taxpayer financing of his campaign. The Republican gubernatorial hopeful can now turn his full attention to wooing delegates and fleshing out that unlikely plan to repeal the state income tax.

January 9, 2018   Comments Off on Boughton is There With Plenty to Spare. Hits $272,000.

Merrill Snags Braith Kelly Endorsement for Re-Election as His Corruption Trial Begins.

A New York corruption trial has not interfered with Canterbury Democratic chairman Braith Kelly from keeping an in Connecticut politics. The federal criminal defendant’s trial began on January 8th–the same day Secretary of the State Denise Merrill rolled out a list of endorsements that included Kelly as one of her supporters.

Kelly made news in 2017 when his legal team objected to a courthouse display jurors were bound to see that highlighted the conviction of Bridgeport mayor Joseph Ganim on his first round leading Connecticut’s largest city. The display was removed.

The endorsement listed included the state’s congressional delegation but not Governor Dannel P. Malloy.

January 9, 2018   Comments Off on Merrill Snags Braith Kelly Endorsement for Re-Election as His Corruption Trial Begins.

Handler at $209k.

New Canaan Republican Mike Handler continues to impress with his vigorous fundraising. He is about $40,000.00 short of the magic $250,000 required to qualify for public financing, Daily Ructions can report. Handler has raised $209,784 since entering the race in July.

An unexpected trend is emerging in the money-raising stakes. Candidates with no experience in statewide races are proving to be more skillful fundraisers than their veteran opponents.

Handler begins the year with $152,317.79 on hand. He also appears not yet to have become a target of the two Republican hopefuls whose nastiness is their mutual calling card, Tim Herbst and David Walker.

January 9, 2018   Comments Off on Handler at $209k.

Boughton Announces Candidacy for Governor.

It’s official. Mark Boughton, nine-term mayor of Danbury and former state representative, is seeking the Republican nomination for governor. Boughton’s announcement suggests he will run on his record as mayor.

Boughton enters a crowded a field as he launches his third bid for governor. He sought the Republican nomination in 2010 and 2014. He was the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor in the kind-edge 2010 race between Tom Foley and Dan Malloy. Boughton narrowly defeated Lisa Wilson Foley in their 2010 primary contest for the second spot on the ticket.

Fundraising has been a challenge for Boughton in his races outside Danbury. This time he seems to be on course to qualify for public funds long before the May state nominating convention. He is in the front rank of candidates in a crowded field of Republicans. The former high school teacher begins the competition for delegates with a loyal base of supporters in the Danbury area.

January 9, 2018   Comments Off on Boughton Announces Candidacy for Governor.

Merrill Invites Challenge With Lethargic Fundraising.

Secretary of the State Denise Merrill may want to take note that deference in politics has taken a long holiday. The two term Democratic incumbent’s fundraising results suggest she is not putting much effort into the task. In a year when the statewide primary ballot will be crowded with challenges, challenging Merrill will seem like just one more contest. The former state representative has raised a paltry $30,000 since the formal beginning of her re-election campaign last summer. That suggests loyal donors from her previous campaigns have not been contacted or are ready for a change.

Plenty of Democrats would not mind taking a crack at an easy job if it looks like they may face a weary incumbent.


January 5, 2018   Comments Off on Merrill Invites Challenge With Lethargic Fundraising.

Tax Cut Prompts Eversource to Propose Rate Reduction.

Connecticut electric ratepayers can look forward to a rate reduction. Eversource tells Daily Ructions the utility will seek to pass savings it will realize from the recent federal tax cut to its Connecticut customers. The New England distribution giant is doing the same in Massachusetts.

Here’s a statement from Eversource spokesperson Tricia Modifica:

“We believe our customers should receive the benefits of the new tax law, so we’re working with PURA and the Office of Consumer Counsel to pass those savings along. The amount and timing of the rate reduction to customers will be decided in the pending rate review.”

January 5, 2018   Comments Off on Tax Cut Prompts Eversource to Propose Rate Reduction.

D’Agostino Exploring Race for Statewide Office.

State Representative Mike D’Agostino (D-Hamden) has formed a committee to explore statewide office. He is expected to concentration on a run for attorney general.

D’Agostino has been a leading advocate in the House for the ruinous labor agreements that will hinder the next governor in shaping a plan for the state’s economic recovery. D’Agostino’s work in corporate litigation may be grist for his left wing opponents if he joins the contest for the Democratic nomination for attorney general.

January 3, 2018   Comments Off on D’Agostino Exploring Race for Statewide Office.

Nappier Announcement Wednesday.


Treasurer Nappier To Hold Press Conference

 WHO:             State Treasurer Denise L. Nappier

WHAT:           Treasurer Nappier will hold a press conference on her 2018 election plans.

WHEN:           Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 11:30 a.m.

WHERE:         Conference Room, 7th Floor, State Treasurer’s Office, 55 Elm Street, Hartford, CT

State Treasurer Denise Nappier will confirm expectations today and announce her tenure will not seek a sixth term. The Hartford Democrat has been gracious in receiving news from various aspiring successors that they wanted to explore a candidacy for the office Nappier has held since the end of the last century.

Nappier did it the hard way in 1998. She scored an upset win at the Democratic state convention over a Newington Democrat, beat him in a primary, and then defeated corrupt incumbent Republican Paul Silvester that November. Silvester and others around him later went to jail for their misuse of their public trust.

January 3, 2018   Comments Off on Nappier Announcement Wednesday.

Stewart to Explore Statewide Race–Including Treasurer.

Expect Republican Erin Stewart, the third-term mayor of New Britain, to form an exploratory committee for statewide office, including the big prize, treasurer. Stewart has been making the rounds of party leaders and veterans to seek advice on what to do.

This will be a busy week of candidates making some or all of their intentions known.

January 2, 2018   Comments Off on Stewart to Explore Statewide Race–Including Treasurer.