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George Logan Concedes.

State Senator George Logan issued a statement Thursday morning:

“I just called Mr. Cabrera to congratulate him on the election win. I have certainly enjoyed the whole experience. It’s been great in terms of working with a group of such wonderful legislators, staff and especially everyone in our community to help improve the lives of folks living in the 17th SD and to fix Connecticut. For now, I will continue my community service work at the local level. Thank you for all your time and support. Be well.”

Logan, a Republican, was seeking a third term against Hamden Democrat Jorge Cabrera in a rematch of their close 2018 contest.

November 5, 2020   Comments Off on George Logan Concedes.

The Place to Be: WFSB on Election Night for Connecticut News.

We will elect more than a president Tuesday. Connecticut elects five members of Congress, 36 state senators, and 151 state representatives. Duby McDowell and I will join the WFSB news team, and will have results and reactions from a constellation of political pros.

If you have not already, download the WFSB app to your devices and start watching at 8 p.m.

November 2, 2020   Comments Off on The Place to Be: WFSB on Election Night for Connecticut News.

A Connecticut Moment: JFK in Waterbury and Hartford.

During the last two days of the 1960 presidential campaign, John F. Kennedy made five stops in Connecticut: Waterbury, Wallingford, New Haven, Bridgeport, and Hartford.

JFK was astonished when he arrived in Waterbury in the middle of the chilly night to see 30,000 supporters gathered on the green.

He stopped in Hartford on Monday.

November 2, 2020   Comments Off on A Connecticut Moment: JFK in Waterbury and Hartford.

Klarides’s Fight For Connecticut Stumbles on Campaign Finance Rules.

Retiring House Minority Leader Themis Klarides’s unofficial gubernatorial exploratory committee, Fight for Connecticut, had trouble complying with federal campaign finance rules in its first quarter. The committee, formed during this campaign season, exceeded limitations on contributions to two Republican candidates.

The Klarides committee, which features photographs in its ads and on its website of the Derby Republican, sent contributions to the Margaret Streicker campaign in the 3rd Congressional District and David X. Sullivan in the Fifth. The committee’s low number of donors and short duration limited its contributions to $2,800 each.

The most recent federal campaign finance report shows Klarides’s committee making a $2,800 donation to Streicker on October 14th and contributions of $2,800 and 2,200 to Sullivan on the same day. It also reveals Sullivan returned $2,200 to Klarides on busy October 14th. A Fight for Connecticut spokesperson had indicated the committee would be making a $5,000 contribution to the Streicker and Sullivan campaigns.

The committee’s most significant expenditure was to a political analytics firm associated with Ted Cruz, the Texas senator and 2016 presidential hopeful turned ardent Donald Trump supporter.

October 29, 2020   Comments Off on Klarides’s Fight For Connecticut Stumbles on Campaign Finance Rules.

For Cleo Laine’s Birthday: Cleo Laine Sings.


October 28, 2020   Comments Off on For Cleo Laine’s Birthday: Cleo Laine Sings.

Come on Children, Let’s Sing. Mahalia Jackson was Born on This Blessed Day.

Gospel’s greatest singer was born this day 109 years ago. Here’s Mahalia Jackson with her friend and admirer Dinah Shore.

There has never been anyone like Mahalia Jackson.

October 26, 2020   Comments Off on Come on Children, Let’s Sing. Mahalia Jackson was Born on This Blessed Day.

Tuesday Deadline to Register to Vote in Connecticut.

Union soldiers voting during the Civil War–mostly for A. Lincoln of Illinois.

Tuesday, October 27th, is the last day to register to vote in Connecticut to cast a ballot in the November 3rd election. Here’s a link. Pass it on.

October 26, 2020   Comments Off on Tuesday Deadline to Register to Vote in Connecticut.

Disappointing September Job Growth in Connecticut.

Connecticut added 17,000 jobs to the workforce in September, as the COVID-19 recovery continued to slow. The state’s labor department reports there were 1.58 million non-farm jobs when September ended. That’s 115,000 fewer than in February, the last full month before the global pandemic began to be felt in the state’s job market.

October 23, 2020   Comments Off on Disappointing September Job Growth in Connecticut.

Stewart Looking for PR Guru.

A busy year awaits the person who snags this at-the-sufferance of the mayor job.

October 21, 2020   Comments Off on Stewart Looking for PR Guru.

Republican State Central Meets In a Week as Post-Election Maneuvering Emerges.

As Republicans brace for a November 3rd deluge of disappointments, some are beginning to contemplate how to emerge from the wreckage. The maneuvering for advantage in what’s left of the party after Donald Trump’s unpopularity in Connecticut punishes candidates in down-ballot races.

Candidates eyeing the party’s 2022 nomination for governor may begin to reveal stalking horses in the early competition for advantage. Party leadership contests provide a narrow arena to test their support and fighting skills.

A contest may come in an early race for party chairman. Incumbent J.R. Romano could have trouble holding on until his term reaches its natural conclusion in June. Republicans will be looking for immediate change after November 3rd in the only political entity they control: their shambolic party organization. June will not be soon enough for those who want to try to begin the post-Trump era and begin a soft launch of the race for governor.

October 20, 2020   Comments Off on Republican State Central Meets In a Week as Post-Election Maneuvering Emerges.