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Legislative Aides Are Not a Captive Audience.

The less said about this the better is the attitude among denizens of the Capitol village. Nevertheless, we persist in telling this new and rocky tale.

A young Democratic staffer supports one candidate for president, his bullying overlord supported another. The incensed legislator, known for his ugly habit of hollering, would brook no dissent. The public is not funding legislative staffers to work on presidential campaigns during work hours, so the employee’s presidential preference should have been of no consequence. Instead, the subordinate has been moved to a safer place in the LOB, sadder but wiser in the ways of a narcissist.

The legislator may want to review the recent roll call vote on the reappointment of auditor Rob Kane, a former senator, to see a reminder that the mistreatment of staff can enjoy a long half-life. In politics, one never knows what familiar faces he’ll pass on his way down.

Coda: At the end of this historic week in politics, neither candidate the two supported will be the Democratic nominee for president.

March 5, 2020   Comments Off on Legislative Aides Are Not a Captive Audience.

Hayes Looking for Field Director.

U.S. Representative Jahana Hayes (D-CT) is looking for a field director for her race for a second term from Connecticut 5th CD. Hayes’s congressional office has been notable for its staff turnover. Prudence suggests potential applicants for the campaign job contact former Hayes staffers before daring to enter the lair.

March 4, 2020   Comments Off on Hayes Looking for Field Director.

That Flexer Email on Ambition and Continuing to Solicit Lobbyists.

Hartford Courant readers have asked about an email referred to in this week’s column about State Senator Mae Flexer (D-Killingly) soliciting registered lobbyists to donate to her employer, Emerge America. Flexer, who is the co-chair of the Government Administration and Elections Committee, is executive director of the Connecticut affiliate of the organization. The January 16, 2019, message is posted above.

Flexer, in a statement included in my column, claimed she has always stood up to special interests. One of the top lobbyist contributors to the organization is Anita Shepker, longtime lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry. Schepker also serves as treasurer and a member of Emerge Connecticut’s board. Lobbyist and Flexer friend Karen Jarmoc is also a member of the board and serves as its treasurer.

February 28, 2020   Comments Off on That Flexer Email on Ambition and Continuing to Solicit Lobbyists.

Office Renovations: Drajewicz to Resign as Chief of Staff.

Ryan Drajewicz, Governor Ned Lamont’s chief of staff, will resign in the next several days, Daily Ructions has learned.

Drajewicz came to Lamont from an administrative job at hedge fund giant Bridgewater Associates. Drajewicz previously worked for former U.S. Senator-turned-lobbyist Christopher Dodd during Dodd’s final term in office.

Drajewicz came to grief in the perplexing odyssey that was Lamont’s transportation plan. Drajewicz attempted to mount a successful final heave in November with a comprehensive plan, ct2030, that featured 14 electronic gantries for tolls on all motor vehicles. Opposition to the plan caused it to be reduced to tolls on only trucks. Lamont withdrew that revised plan this month.

February 27, 2020   Comments Off on Office Renovations: Drajewicz to Resign as Chief of Staff.

Rematch: Welander Challenges Klarides

Orange Democrat Mary Welander will challenge House Minority Leader Themis Klarides (R-Derby) for the 114th House District. The race will be a rematch of their 2018 contest. The district includes Derby, Orange and Woodbridge.

Welander serves as member of the board of education in Orange. Klarides was first elected to the seat in 1998.

Klarides defeated Welander two years ago with 6,249 votes to Welander’s 5,246. Klarides carried Derby and Orange. Welander won Woodbridge.

February 25, 2020   Comments Off on Rematch: Welander Challenges Klarides

Exits: Primeau, Brill Leave Treasurer’s Office.

Two staff members have left State Treasurer Shawn Wooden’s office. Jackie Primeau and Adam Brill are no longer shaping communications for Wooden.

Deputy Treasurer Linda Savitsky, a state finance and budget veteran, has also departed. Among other duties, Savitsky had been serving as Wooden’s representative on the chaotic Connecticut Port Authority.

February 20, 2020   Comments Off on Exits: Primeau, Brill Leave Treasurer’s Office.

Dead: Tolls Done for the Year. Lamont Wounded.

Governor Ned Lamont has conceded that the Democratic legislature will not pass his most recent toll plan during this year. Lamont had announced in 2019 that he had staked his governorship on the success of his various tolls plans.

A bitter Lamont announced at a 4 p.m. press conference Tuesday that his trucks-only plan would not be taken up by the legislature for a vote. Lamont will seek to raise the $200 million that he hoped to collect from tolls on trucks by issuing bonds.

February 19, 2020   Comments Off on Dead: Tolls Done for the Year. Lamont Wounded.

Republican Nuccio Announces Bid for 53rd.

Tolland Republican Tammy Nuccio is seeking her party’s nomination for the 53rd House District, which includes Ashford, Willington and part of Tolland. Nuccio is the chairwoman of Tolland’s town council.

“We do not need more taxes, we do not need tolls, we need people who understand a budget and know where to push to find efficiencies. We need fiscally responsible decisions that truly benefit our friends and neighbors,” Nuccio wrote in announcing her candidacy.

The Tolland native will face first-term Democratic incumbent Patricia Wilson Pheanious. She defeated incumbent Republican Sam Belisto in 2018 as Democrats scored gains in legislative races across the state.

February 19, 2020   Comments Off on Republican Nuccio Announces Bid for 53rd.

Turner Reaches Fundraising Goal in 10 Days.

Republican Mary Ann Turner required only 10 days to collect the donations necessary to qualify for taxpayer-financed campaign funds in her race for the 58th House District. She raised $6,000, including 160 donations from Enfield residents. Turner has been the chairman of the Enfield Republican organization since 2006, enjoying a reputation as an energetic leader of the local party.

The Enfield district is represented by first term Democrat Thomas Arnone, who defeated freshman Republican Greg Stokes in 2018. Other than the Stokes term, the district has long been represented by Democrats.

February 18, 2020   Comments Off on Turner Reaches Fundraising Goal in 10 Days.

Tong’s Having a Sale: Send Money, Plant a Lawyer.

Here’s the March 13, 2019, letter from Attorney General William Tong’s office to the Michael Bloomberg-funded stable of environmental lawyers seeking an additional staff lawyer. Deputy Attorney General Margaret Q. Chapple complains that the office does not have enough lawyers. This seems a curious way to hire lawyers in a merit system that also includes a union contract.

February 18, 2020   Comments Off on Tong’s Having a Sale: Send Money, Plant a Lawyer.