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Farmers and Tolls.

A beef farmer sent this email after reading my column on tolls in Sunday’s Courant:

 I just wanted to point out one thing that is being sorely overlooked by our media and our politicians….. FARMERS       

This truck only tolling proposal will be the nail in the coffin for many of Connecticuts farmers. Milk is already at an all time low and additional tolls will force milk processors to purchase thier milk from areas where the transportation cost are cheaper. Not to mention farmers that own and drive trucks that will be directly impacted.

Farmers have been and should continue to be a protected class from many taxes. Given the economic state of agriculture in Connecticut if vehicle registered with “farm plates”are not exempted from this truck only toll plan it will not only be bad optics for dem politicians it will also be the straw that breaks many farmers backs.     

Ryan Matson, Matson Farm LLC, Berlin, CT

February 18, 2020   Comments Off on Farmers and Tolls.

Hamden Democrat Justin Farmer Seeks Senate Nomination in 17th.

Hamden town council member Justin Farmer is a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the state senate’s 17th district. The “hobo-chic activist” is seeking to challenge two-term Republican incumbent George Logan in the district that includes all or part of seven towns from Hamden to Ansonia.

Farmer will first need to get by Jorge Cabrera, his fellow Hamden Democrat who challenged and came close to defeating Logan in 2018.

February 16, 2020   Comments Off on Hamden Democrat Justin Farmer Seeks Senate Nomination in 17th.

Bloomberg to Open the Spending Spigot for Connecticut Primary.

You’ll want to read Daniela Altimari’s story on the growing Bloomberg primary campaign in Connecticut. Bloomberg is hiring and planning to spend millions in the state in the run-up to the state’s April 28th primary. Expect the campaign to hire hundreds for a formidable primary day GOTV effort.

Connecticut’s presidential primary does not often attract much attention–sometimes because of the late primary date or in years when voting in larger states overshadows the contest here. This year could be different if a Democratic nominee does not emerge after March’s primaries.

Bloomberg’s 12 years as mayor of New York made him a familiar figure in Fairfield County, where Democrats have made notable gains in the past several years. The campaign is expected to emphasize endorsements from local officials.

February 13, 2020   Comments Off on Bloomberg to Open the Spending Spigot for Connecticut Primary.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman for This Year’s Profiles in Courage Award.

Click to enlarge.

Caroline Kennedy is seeking nominations for the 2020 Profiles in Courage Award. The selection committee must be spoiled for choice year after year. This year is no different. The United States is blessed with brave leaders in these troubling times.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman stands out as a patriot who has not flinched in the face of the onslaught that comes with speaking the truth about Donald Trump and his machinations to undermine the rule of law for personal benefit. He deserves to be recognized as a profile in courage who has inspired much of the nation. Lt. Col. Vindman is a steadfast friend of freedom.

February 7, 2020   Comments Off on Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman for This Year’s Profiles in Courage Award.

AdvanceCT: Everything Old is New Again.

The Nokia 8800 must have been out of camera range. The Connecticut Economic Resource Center (CERC) is now AdvanceCT. The organization features a museum of ancient office technology in its latest announcement. That fax machine on the left in the photo above may have arrived in a box when George W. Bush was president.

AdvanceCT’s mission is to work “in collaboration with the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), AdvanceCT strives to build a place where business, government, higher education, and nonprofits come together to implement high impact and inclusive economic development solutions for the state.”

AdvanceCT may be part of Lamont’s Partnership to Advance Connecticut’s Tomorrow (PACT), or it may not be. PACT has gone missing. Governor Ned Lamont’s economic development renovations may be in some disarray. Shhh, don’t say anything that might be seen as badmouthing Connecticut. Send a fax instead.

February 6, 2020   Comments Off on AdvanceCT: Everything Old is New Again.

Weir a Fundraising Phenomenon in Race Against Shaken Osten.

Fresh face Steve Weir knows how to raise campaign contributions. In three days as a candidate, the Hebron Republican has raised half of the $16,000 required to qualify for public financing in his race to defeat five-term Democrat Cathy Osten in the ten town Senate district.

Weir is a popular Glastonbury business owner with a wide network of friends and well wishers. The political outsider is active in local, regional and state volunteer organizations.

Osten is a retired corrections officer who suffered a stinging defeat last fall in her campaign for another term as Sprague’s first selectman. Osten, who serves as co-chair of the legislature’s budget committee, struggled as the manager of tiny Sprague’s finances. The bitter aftermath of that hometown campaign has caused considerable comment in the Capitol village as colleagues fret over the once-steady legislator’s vituperative outbursts.

Watch for a bitter campaign in the 19th as the contrast grows bright between the optimistic Weir and the economically incomprehensible Osten.

January 31, 2020   Comments Off on Weir a Fundraising Phenomenon in Race Against Shaken Osten.

Carter Comeback.

Former Republican state Representative Dan Carter will seek to win back his 2nd House District seat the November.

Carter served in the House from 2010 to 2016, when he was the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Democrat Richard Blumenthal.

In a prepared statement released Monday, Carter wrote, “”Serving as a representative of my community in Hartford was a great honor and it’s is clear we need common sense in Hartford more than ever. While other parts of the country have enjoyed a robust economy, Connecticut continues to lag behind due to high taxes and poor fiscal policy. We need experienced, thoughtful representation and with the support of my community I will be the advocate the people in the 2nd district rightfully deserve.”

The seat is currently held by Democratic incumbent Raghib Allie-Brennan, who is serving his first term.

January 27, 2020   Comments Off on Carter Comeback.

“Max is a Godsend.” Friday Night Dump Tolls Strategy. Abuse Becomes a Policy.

Denizens of the Capitol village expect a Friday night dump of a new tolls proposal—this one agreed to by Governor Ned Lamont and Democratic legislative leaders.

Attracting as little attention as possible for the latest iteration of Lamont’s transportation plan may be part of what Ryan Drajewicz, Lamont’s chief of staff, called a “hard pivot” in a July 26th email to Ann Huntress Lamont, hailing the hiring of former NBC Connecticut political reporter Max Reiss, deemed “a Godsend.”

The message also reveals that Reiss’ “media strategy” includes “getting aggressive on all fronts.” The Reiss plan to revive Lamont’s dismal approval ratings includes hurling insults at Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven). Reiss, who was covering Fasano as a reporter during last year’s legislative session, charged recently that Fasano “continues to whine about the state budget while he never had the guts to propose his own line-by-line spending plan.” Reiss continued his abuse, “As evidenced by his refusal to get off the sidelines, these are goals not shared by Sen. Fasano, through his actions and words, and I doubt he will ever share them based on his continuous comments.” Fasano has been known to try to assist the flailing administration with some sound public policy ideas.

The Godsend’s surly tone may hinder Lamont’s hope to improve the tone of discourse at the Capitol. The Reiss way also risks discouraging legislators with deep knowledge of public policy from walking through the open door Lamont says he wants public officials of both parties to walk through. Abuse of elected officials by an appointed mouthpiece is more hurdle than enticement.

January 24, 2020   Comments Off on “Max is a Godsend.” Friday Night Dump Tolls Strategy. Abuse Becomes a Policy.

Corey Mulls Challenging Cassano.

Manchester Republican Matthew Corey is a likely challenger to state Senator Steve Cassano (D-Manchester), for the 4th District seat. The district includes Andover, Bolton, Glastonbury and Manchester.

Corey has run for the 1st Congressional District against U.S. Representative John Larson. In 2018, he was the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate. A state Senate race would allow the energetic businessman to enjoy his first campaign with funding parity under the state’s generous taxpayer-financed campaign finance program.

Cassano is serving his fifth term in the Senate. He announced he would not seek a sixth and shortly thereafter changed his mind. He is also a former mayor of Manchester.

January 24, 2020   Comments Off on Corey Mulls Challenging Cassano.

An Extraordinary Moment at a Coventry Town Council Meeting as Mother Reveals Daughter’s Ordeal.

Coventry resident Jennifer Burdette alleged at a Coventry town council meeting Tuesday night that her then-minor daughter was sexually harassed for nearly a year by a local police officer. The video of Burdette’s statement is compelling. The link is here . Video is not available for embed.

The Journal Inquirer has more.

January 23, 2020   Comments Off on An Extraordinary Moment at a Coventry Town Council Meeting as Mother Reveals Daughter’s Ordeal.