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NY Lawyer and Federalist Society Favorite Moves into Contention for 2nd Circuit Spot.

New York lawyer Joseph DeMarco is on a shortlist for a Connecticut vacancy on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. DeMarco practices law in New York and has owned residential real estate in both New York and Greenwich, Connecticut.

DeMarco possesses only gossamer ties to Connecticut’s legal community. He was admitted to practice in the Constitution State in 2017, indicating he had an eye on a court appointment in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s 2016 upset victory. The Second Circuit opening was created by the retirement of Judge Christopher Droney, a popular Connecticut native. If DeMarco were to replace Droney, there would be just two of the thirteen judges on the influential court from Connecticut judges, Judge Jose Cabranes and Judge Susan Carney.

DeMarco is a favorite of the conservative Federalist Society, which appears willing to snatch a seat away from Connecticut to insert an ideologically acceptable New Yorker onto the court. DeMarco appears to have no law office in Connecticut.

The Second Circuit is comprised of Connecticut, New York and Vermont.

July 26, 2019   Comments Off on NY Lawyer and Federalist Society Favorite Moves into Contention for 2nd Circuit Spot.

Fasano to Tong: Recuse Yourself on Tweed Appeal.

Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) has asked Attorney General Willian Tong to recuse himself from litigation over the proposed expansion of Tweed-New Haven airport. Fasano cites Tong’s close political ties with embattled Mayor Toni Harp as reasons the Stamford Democrat will be unable to make a fair-minded, merit-based assessment of the way forward in litigation over a state statute that limits the length of a Tweed runway

Fasano and Senate Pro Tem President Martin Looney (D-New Haven) have been working together in their opposition to the airport expansion. Looney is not a signatory on the letter.

July 25, 2019   Comments Off on Fasano to Tong: Recuse Yourself on Tweed Appeal.

Legislature Will Not Override Lamont Veto of Restaurant Wages Bill.

It’s over. The legislature will not attempt to override Governor Ned Lamont’s veto of a job’s bill that extinguished the rights of some restaurant employees.

The bipartisan bill ran into trouble with a late addition that would have addressed a bifurcated wage schedule for service employees who perform other tasks. That section has not been the subject of a public hearing or meaningful debate during the long session. The controversy is the subject of litigation. Lamont objected to the legislature intervening in the pending matter.

Vote counters determined by the weekend that there were not 2/3 majorities in both chambers to override Lamont’s veto.

July 20, 2019   Comments Off on Legislature Will Not Override Lamont Veto of Restaurant Wages Bill.

True Test: Elicker Volunteers Collect Signatures on Scorching Saturday.

Ray Jackson, right, collects signatures in Newhallville.

One hundred degrees of determination. On the wings of a strong showing at Thursday’s New Haven Democratic nominating convention, mayoral hopeful Justin Elicker’s campaign is collecting signatures for a September 10th challenge against incumbent Mayor Toni Harp.

Harp is seeking a fourth two-year term as her administration is buffeted by a federal criminal investigation. Primary voters and others can expect to hear details of the promiscuous use of a city credit card.

July 20, 2019   Comments Off on True Test: Elicker Volunteers Collect Signatures on Scorching Saturday.

Bergstein v. Bergstein: The Patriarchy Strikes Back.

State Senator Alexandra Bergstein’s war on privilege and patriarchy is being met with resistance. The battle of the Bergsteins is proving an inhospitable field of conflict for the wealthy Greenwich Democrat.

Alexandra Bergstein’s incendiary response to Seth Bergstein’s motion for contempt has been vigorously contested by Seth Bergstein in a July 10th court filing. Alexandra Bergstein contends that living conditions at the couple’s Greenwich mansion hostile and unsafe, requiring her to flee the marital home. Seth Bergstein contends they were not. Rather, Alexandra “rented a separate apartment where her girlfriend now stays with her five or six nights per week.”

Seth Bergstein takes a different view of the history of the marriage. Alexandra Bergstein told the court that her marriage was meaningless in its last 15 years. Seth Bergstein dissents by alleging he returned home from a family vacation in 2010 and discovered Alexandra Bergstein in an affair with a woman. That affair, he claims, began in 2008.

Seth Bergstein also disputes Alexandra Bergstein’s claim that he took $20,000 from the family safe. He claims, “The defendant did not remove $20,000 in cash from the safe. The cash that had been in the safe was spent by the parties through the year and during Christmas vacation, as was their custom. The plaintiff’s withdrawal of $5,000 in cash was yet another violation of the [Court’s] automatic orders.“

July 18, 2019   Comments Off on Bergstein v. Bergstein: The Patriarchy Strikes Back.

SEIU Supports Lamont Veto of Bill to Punish Restaurant Workers.

Governor Ned Lamont’s veto of a bill that strips some restaurant workers of a right to seek full compensation under the law has roiled legislative leaders. A late session addition to a job training bill bars restaurant workers who were assigned “non-service duties” from seeking full compensation. The matter is currently the subject of class action suit.

Some legislative leaders are unhappy over Lamont’s veto and considering a full press fight for an override. The offending provision has the support of Republicans and may have been the subject of a bipartisan agreement. Sustaining the veto could further strain relationships among caucus leaders.

Here’s SEUI’s statement supporting Lamont’s veto:

Rob Baril, president of SEIU 1199 New England, issued the following statement after Governor Ned Lamont’s vetoes last Friday:

“SEIU 1199 New England thanks Governor Ned Lamont for exercising the Executive’s veto power to stand up for working people. His recent rejection of a bill that was hastily passed without debate or public hearings at the General Assembly is a positive step to protect the rights of restaurant workers in Connecticut. In the first legislative session of his term, Governor Lamont has demonstrated a strong commitment to serve in the best interests of middle-class families and low-wage workers by signing into law the $15 minimum wage, Paid Family and Medical Leave and raising reimbursement rates for nursing homes. On behalf of our union members, I want to express that SEIU 1199 New England is grateful to count on Governor Lamont as an ally as we seek to improve the lives of all working people.”

July 18, 2019   Comments Off on SEIU Supports Lamont Veto of Bill to Punish Restaurant Workers.

Democrat Russo Shows Fundraising Strength as Bartolotta Fades in Race for Middletown Mayor.

Democrat William Russo stunned the field of Democrats seeking to succeed incumbent Middletown Mayor Dan Drew by raising $48,000 in the second quarter of the year. That’s a big haul in Middletown, and it left one-time frontrunner Mary Bartolotta far behind. The struggling Bartolotta managed to collect a puny $11,000 for a September 10th primary brawl with the popular Russo.

A third Democrat, Ben Florscheim, an aide to U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy, raised $18,000, mostly from contributions outside Middletown.

July 15, 2019   Comments Off on Democrat Russo Shows Fundraising Strength as Bartolotta Fades in Race for Middletown Mayor.

Tony Hwang Draws Republican Opponent.

The nominating convention is a year away, but the race for the Republican for state senator in the 28th district has begun. Newtown Republican J.T. Lewis has announced his candidacy by a YouTube video. Lewis will face three-term incumbent Republican Tony Hwang.

Lewis’ video emphasizes his late brother Jesse’s heroism in the December 2012 Sandy Hook killings and how it inspired his younger brother to immerse himself in activism.

Hwang was one of two Fairfield County state senate Republican to withstand the 2018 anti-Trump cull of his colleagues in the former Republican bastion.

July 15, 2019   Comments Off on Tony Hwang Draws Republican Opponent.

State Trooper Arrested on Assault, Threatening and Reckless Endangerment Charges.

State Police Patrol Sargent Gregory Smith was arrested Friday on charges of threatening, assault and reckless endangerment. Smith, who lives in Middletown, is posted to Troop H in Westbrook. He is scheduled to appear in court in Middletown on Monday.

July 12, 2019   Comments Off on State Trooper Arrested on Assault, Threatening and Reckless Endangerment Charges.

Lamont Sheds La Luz, Flanagan Johnson. Hires Reiss, Promotes Malloy Veteran Harris in Office Renovation.

Governor Ned Lamont is replacing spokesperson Maribel La Luz with NBC Connecticut political reporter Max Reiss as the Greenwich millionaire seeks to steady his drifting administration, Daily Ructions has learned. Complaints about Lamont’s communication shop have been one of the few constants six months into his erratic tenure.

Chief communications strategist Colleen Flanagan Johnson is also departing. Lamont, in what may prove a regrettable decision, has moved OPM official and Democratic functionary Jonathan Harris into his office as a senior adviser. Harris soiled his reputation with his involvement at the center of a 2014 campaign finance scandal that saw state Democrats pay a $325,000 settlement to keep finance records secret. Harris was a loyalist of unpopular former Democratic Governor Dannel P. Malloy.

Democrats and Republicans have found common ground in complaining about the unsteady messaging from Lamont and his team.

July 9, 2019   Comments Off on Lamont Sheds La Luz, Flanagan Johnson. Hires Reiss, Promotes Malloy Veteran Harris in Office Renovation.