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Retreat: Bob Drops Tax Repeal Pledge on Eve of Balloting.

You cannot trust Bob Stefanowski. The Republican nominee for governor on Monday abandoned the tax cut pledge that has fueled his improbable race for governor since 2017. Today, Stefanowski announced that there will be no tax cuts in the first two years of his administration if he wins Tuesday. The concession to reality is a stunning retreat from the recent Democrat. Since revealing a tax plan Stefanowski paid economist Arthur Laffer to write and explain last year, Stefanowski has offered no caveats that cuts should be delayed. The plan that was unveiled on December 4th refers to immediate tax cuts and a phase out of the income tax over 8 years. Stefanowski’s startling announcement as voters prepare to go to the polls Tuesday will add to the public’s disenchantment with candidates who do not tell the truth.

November 5, 2018   Comments Off on Retreat: Bob Drops Tax Repeal Pledge on Eve of Balloting.

Joette Katz Delivers a Lecture on White Privilege.

As Joette Katz comes to the end of eight years of failure leading the Department of Children and Families (DCF), she began the week by offering some thoughts on white privilege to all DCF employees. Katz has presided over the injury and death of minority children since leaving the Supreme Court for DCF in 2011. In such cases, the injured or their family members can contact personal injury experienced attorneys for hire and get the compensation for the injury or loss. With the help of lawyers for car accidents, her time might be better spent, for example, investigating the death of an infant in New Britain earlier this year. If not you, who indeed, Commissioner?

Here are her thoughts on other topics:

Sent: Monday, October 29, 2018 2:17 PM
Subject: Racial Justice-now more than ever.

This past Friday, the Department held a Racial Justice summit at which we heard about the transformations at the Department, listened to our youth, learned about the need to recognize and acknowledge white privilege, and the importance of looking at everything we do through the lens of racial justice. We engaged in some difficult conversations with attendees from within and outside the department and we made a commitment to one another and our youth that our work would continue because only through a willingness to challenge and grow could we ever hope to deliver on our mission in their name. People can hire fall accident lawyers, from here!

It was nearly 2 years ago that I wrote you all about our first Racial Justice summit. ”Recognizing that this injustice rests on subconscious and conscious beliefs about who matters in society and who does not, I heard a sincere acknowledgement by staff and our providers that in order to make right what is inherently wrong, our collective action is required.  We identified activities and behaviors that will help us learn the importance of framing an issue through a racial equity lens and adjust practice accordingly. I am grateful to be a part of an agency that respects everyone, embraces differences and rejoices in partnerships of equality. Then why do I hurt so much? I cannot put the genie back in the bottle.  Are we really living in a society that will tolerate the hatred, embrace such divisiveness, and perpetuate the immoral cruelty that we have seen since the election?  Are those carving swastikas on college dormitories, religious epithets on houses of worship and racial slurs on private property truly in the minority?  I sincerely hope so but there are no guarantees and stupidity sometimes knows no boundaries.”

Then Saturday morning, horrific violence occurred in a Pittsburgh synagogue when a man raging anti-Semitic rantings opened fire with multiple weapons, killing 11, and wounding 6 others. We all were immediately reminded of the horrific shooting at Emanuel AME Church that left nine dead.

The President condemned the act but spent an equal amount of time complaining that he was having a bad hair day. I suppose that’s an improvement over some of his other remarks. Despite being the leader of the free world, the President has a history of racist comments; he has stated that there were “very fine people” on both sides at the white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, defended confederate monuments, described African nations as s___hole countries, vilified African American NFL players who peacefully protested police brutality, called immigrants animals, and complained that people in sanctuary cities are “breeding” like animals. Fear of immigrants from certain countries “breeding” has been a staple of nativist thought for hundreds of years, and the term has been affixed to Jews from Eastern Europe, Catholics from Ireland and Italy, Chinese and, now, Latinos, Filipinos, Africans and Haitians. This is dog-whistle politics at its worst. Referring to people as “animals,” is a kind of dehumanizing language used by ethnic cleansers from Rwanda to Nazi Germany.

Can I prove that this hate-mongering is infecting the culture? No, I can’t, but there are certainly signs. Organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League, the Center for the Study of hate and Extremism, and the Southern poverty Law Center report that the number of hate crimes and hate groups has increased dramatically over the past 2 years.

It should not take an act of bravery to gather for prayer. Fairness, caring, ethical, having integrity; these are the character traits I long for in this world of hate, fear, and violence. The racial justice work we do is more essential now than ever. After Friday, I have every confidence it will continue regardless of leadership. We as a Department have come too far. And if not us, then who?

November 1, 2018   Comments Off on Joette Katz Delivers a Lecture on White Privilege.

Trooper Who Made Middlefield Campaigning-While-Black Stop of Republican Candidate’s Volunteered as Bysiewicz Driver.

State Trooper Larry Morello made the ugly stop of Republican state representative candidate Ernestine Holloway’s volunteers in Middlefield last week. The Meriden Record-Journal first reported the story Wednesday but did not include the identity of the politically active trooper. The Courant also has more.

Morello, the resident state trooper in nearby Durham, has been a busy volunteer for Susan Bysiewicz, a Middletown resident making her ninth bid for statewide office as the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor. Morello, Daily Ructions can report, has not been discreet about his connection to Bysiewicz.

A van of nine Holloway volunteers was canvassing a Middlefield neighborhood when they were stopped by Morello. He asked them to summon Holloway, who was campaigning in the same neighborhood, to the scene, according to the Record-Journal. A witness has told others that it was a traumatic encounter with the physically imposing Morello.

Bysiewicz in a statement to Daily Ructions wrote through her spokesman, “The reports on this incident are deeply disturbing to me. As the former Secretary of the State, I believe in fair and open elections, and I have zero tolerance for any group or person who would hinder our democratic process. The officer involved in this situation was an occasional volunteer driver for me. As soon as the details were shared with me, we severed ties.”

November 1, 2018   Comments Off on Trooper Who Made Middlefield Campaigning-While-Black Stop of Republican Candidate’s Volunteered as Bysiewicz Driver.

Democratic Campaigns Financing Flexer Job.

Taxpayer financed campaigns are helping to finance state Senator Mae Flexer’s job as executive director of Emerge Connecticut, the organization that prepares Democratic women for political activism. Democratic campaigns have paid thousands to Emerge Connecticut for training. This raises the unsettling prospect of candidates who become legislators having underwritten another public official’s private compensation. It has the appearance–and perhaps the reality–of compromising Flexer’s independence. This reminiscent of the unsettling situation that arose when Manchester Democrat Geoff Luxenberg was a member of the General Assembly and an aggressive campaign consultant to many Democratic candidates. It made sensible people uncomfortable.

Flexer did not respond to requests for comment.

October 30, 2018   Comments Off on Democratic Campaigns Financing Flexer Job.

Q Poll: Lamont Holds Slim Lead Over Stefanowski.

A week before Connecticut voters head to the polls, a Quinnipiac University survey finds Democrat Ned Lamont with a narrow lead over Republican Bob Stefanowski. The poll of likely voters has Lamont at 47%, Stefanowski with 43%, and petitioning candidate Oz Griebel with 7%.

October 30, 2018   Comments Off on Q Poll: Lamont Holds Slim Lead Over Stefanowski.

How Can We Miss You When You Refuse to Go Away? Democrats Fete Esty.

U.S. Representative Elizabeth Esty makes a stop in leafy Harwinton on her long farewell tour. The disgraced 5th District Democrat will be the guest of honor at a November 17th reception featuring a clutch of area Democratic leaders.

Esty was forced to drop her bid for a fourth term in the spring when the Hearst papers and the Washington Post dropped a Maundy Thursday bombshell that the wealthy Cheshire Democrat kept abusive chief of staff Tony Baker employed in her Washington office when despite knowing of his appalling treatment of a staff member.

Esty later arranged a soft landing for Baker, helping him obtain a job in the Ohio office of anti-violence group Sandy Hook promise. Baker also received a severance payment from taxpayers without objection from the complicit Esty. What did he have on her?

No word on when 5th District Democrats will honor brave former staffer Anna Kain, the victim. They prefer to toast the enabler As she continues her unsavory quest for self-preservation.

October 30, 2018   Comments Off on How Can We Miss You When You Refuse to Go Away? Democrats Fete Esty.

It Begins: Schriro to Depart Before Malloy.

File this under better late than never. Dora Schriro, commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, will leave her position before the end of the Malloy administration in January. Schriro was a second term appointment by Malloy. Her inclusion in the Democrat’s administration in light of her appalling record overseeing New York’s Rikers Island belied Malloy’s claim to want to reform criminal justice. Schriro was and remains an embarrassment to Connecticut.


October 29, 2018   Comments Off on It Begins: Schriro to Depart Before Malloy.

Stefanowski Cancels Thursday Public Radio Appearance.

The elusive Bob Stefanowski strikes again. The former pawn shop operator has cancelled an appearance on Thursday morning’s Where We Live on Connecticut Public Radio. The program made the announcement on Twitter Wednesday morning.

In its statement, Stefanowski appeared to blame Democratic opponent Ned Lamont for the decision. Lamont was born with money and this seems to irritate the loan shark executive who financed his primary campaign but does cannot match Lamont’s resources in the general election. For someone who offers effusive praise to Donald Trump, this is an odd excuse. But any conjuring will do when a candidate does not want to risk a long form interview with the probing questions that may feature.

October 24, 2018   Comments Off on Stefanowski Cancels Thursday Public Radio Appearance.

Attorney General Candidates Debate.

Republican Susan Hatfield and Democrat Willam Tong created a debate from another planet Wednesday on WFSB. Host Dennis House and panelist Tim Fisher deserve recognition for not laughing aloud at some of the non sequiturs the candidates produced in response to serious questions. Neither candidate showed a basic grasp of the essentials of the job. The office’s first duty is to represent the State of Connecticut and its many legal affairs.

You can watch it here. It’s 28 minutes, but it does not take that long to get a sense of the encounter.

October 18, 2018   Comments Off on Attorney General Candidates Debate.

Connecticut and Rhode Island Republicans Head to White House for Thursday Confab.

They probably will not ask about Saudi Arabia. Connecticut and Rhode Island Republicans will gather at the White House Thursday. They’ll hear from Trump administration officials, including Connecticut Republicans Linda McMahon and Justin Clark. McMahon was the 2010 and 2012 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate. She was also a generous contributor to the 2016 Trump catastrophe for the nation as well as a contributor to the controversial Trump Foundation.

Clark works in the Trump White House. He managed Tom Foley’s 2010 and 2014 races for governor against remarkably unpopular Democratic Governor Dannel P. Malloy. Clark was a member of the team that assisted professional Republican and Clinton Conspiracy theorist Brett Kavanaugh in his nomination to the Supreme Court. Imagine the war stories that come out of that tale. Literary agents can look forward to several more busy years.

October 17, 2018   Comments Off on Connecticut and Rhode Island Republicans Head to White House for Thursday Confab.