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Will William Tong Stand Up to Anit-Semitic Abuse of Judge Jane Emons?
This is a test for many legislators, none more than state Representative William Tong (D-Stamford), who hopes to win the Democratic nomination for attorney general later this month.
Give Judge Jane Emons a vote. She has been the target of chilling anti-Semitic slurs that may keep her from winning re-confirmation. This is no time for silence.
May 3, 2018 Comments Off on Will William Tong Stand Up to Anit-Semitic Abuse of Judge Jane Emons?
Big Get: Harp Will Endorse Lamont.
Toni Harp, New Haven’s popular mayor, will endorse wealthy Greenwich Democrat Ned Lamont for governor on Thursday, Daily Ructions can report. The move should be accompanied by a significant chunk of votes from the biggest delegation to the party nominating convention later this month.
The Harp move will be another blow to Lamont rival Susan Bysiewicz. The Middletown Democrat and former secretary of the state has seen her promising third bid for governor stall as delegates and donors have been thin on the ground in her eighth campaign for statewide office.
May 2, 2018 Comments Off on Big Get: Harp Will Endorse Lamont.
Fifth CD Democratic Delegate Assignment: Get to Know Jahana Hayes.
Watch for a stampede to begin today in Waterbury. Read more about 2016 National Teacher of the Year Jahana Hayes here. All but a handful of Democrats are delighted. This will stop talk of an Esty resurrection.
May 2, 2018 Comments Off on Fifth CD Democratic Delegate Assignment: Get to Know Jahana Hayes.
Herbst and Violence: Trumbull Republican Wanted to Put His Cigar Out in Lauretti’s Eye.
Volatile Tim Herbst has an unsettling taste for violent imagery. The Trumbull Republican texted a message to a fellow Republican declaring, “I would love to put my cigar out in Mark Lauretti’s eye”.
In 2016, Herbst sent a text to troubled Enfield Democrat David Alexander that featured a clip with the “make my day” moment from 1983’s “Dirty Harry”, which features star Clint Eastwood pointing a gun. Herbst claimed at the time that he’d sent the clip to Alexander by mistake.
The former Trumbull first selectman’ s violent animus for Lauretti, mayor of a nearby Shelton, seems strange even in the context of the odd Herbst. They are rivals in the crowded contest for the Republican nomination for governor but it’s hard to think of one other than Herbst who would form that cigar assault thought and put it into a text.
The Herbst campaign attributes the text to the campaign’s “desperation season.” Republican delegates, however, will have to wonder what else from Herbst’s cellphone is out there and how many May to November surprises could their party endure.
May 1, 2018 Comments Off on Herbst and Violence: Trumbull Republican Wanted to Put His Cigar Out in Lauretti’s Eye.
Sanchez Campaign Scores Major Middletown Endorsement on First Day. Blow to Drew.
The Manny of the People campaign put a big one on the board in its first day. Middletown’s town treasurer, Quentin Phipps, endorsed Manny Sanchez in his bid for the Democratic nomination in the 5th Congressional District.
Middletown is not in the district, so it sends no delegates to the nominating convention. Nevertheless, Dan Drew, the Democratic mayor of Middletown, is thinking about packing his carpetbag and entering the race. Phipps’ attendance at the Sanchez Monday afternoon announcement sent a message. Critical Middletown Democrats will not be supporting Drew.
April 30, 2018 Comments Off on Sanchez Campaign Scores Major Middletown Endorsement on First Day. Blow to Drew.
Let the Word Go Forth: Republicans Look to Llodra in 5th CD.
Newtown and other 5th Congressional District Republicans have awoken to the prospect of nomination the beloved Pat Llodra as their candidate for the open seat. The former Newtown first selectman was in office in December 2012 when the shootings at Sandy Hook School tested her leadership abilities. She met each challenge, earning Connecticut’s gratitude and admiration.
Updates as events occur.
April 30, 2018 Comments Off on Let the Word Go Forth: Republicans Look to Llodra in 5th CD.
Boughton Wins Friday Night Kent Straw Poll.
Kent Republicans held a fundraising straw poll Friday night. Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton already had the town’s delegates. On Friday he won the straw poll.
April 27, 2018 Comments Off on Boughton Wins Friday Night Kent Straw Poll.
LaCivita Redux. McMahon Consultant Joins Stefanowski Campaign.
Republican warrior Chris LaCivita has joined the Bob for Governor campaign. The Virginia Campaign guru will serve as General consultant to the Stefanowski campaign.
LaCivita is familiar with Connecticut politics. He served as general consultant to Linda McMahon’s 2012 unsuccessful campaign for the U.S. Senate, her second. McMahon turned her generous support of loathsome demagogue Donald Trump into a minor position in his cabinet.
LaCivita and Stefanowski provide a start contrast in political interest and philosophy. LaCivita has spent more than a quarter century in politics. Stefanowski declined to cast a ballot in elections for 16 consecutive years of the 21st century, though he did make a maximum contribution to former U.S. Senator Christopher J. Dodd.
LaCivita gained national renown among politicos when he masterminded the 2014 campaign comeback of Kansas incumbent U.S. Senator Pat Roberts. The marine veteran spent the 2016 campaign cycle on Rand Paul’s campaigns.
March 6, 2018 Comments Off on LaCivita Redux. McMahon Consultant Joins Stefanowski Campaign.
David Stemerman Makes Television Debut This Sunday on Face the State.
Gubernatorial hopeful David Stemerman joined Dennis House Thursday for his first television interview. The Greenwich Republican’s appearance on WFSB’s Face the State public affairs program continues an increase in campaign activity after the career investor shutdown his Connecticut business at the end of 2017 to run for governor.
Stemerman made a splash last fall when he funded his campaign start-up with $1.8 million of his own money. He’s recently been making the rounds of town committees but has not yet appeared at party-organized forums.
Face the State is broadcast Sunday at 11 a.m. and is available online.
March 2, 2018 Comments Off on David Stemerman Makes Television Debut This Sunday on Face the State.
On the Move: Bhargava to Treasurer’s Race.
Wealthy Greenwich Democrat Dita Bhargava is applying a reality check to her aspirations to become governor of Connecticut, Daily Ructions has learned. Bhargava has been making inquiries of party leaders on whether to convert her exploratory committee into a candidacy for treasurer.
Bhargava’s fundraising has lagged far behind what she would need to qualify for public financing as a credible candidate for governor. She was an unsuccessful candidate for the state legislature in 2016. A race for treasurer will require Bhargava to provide more details on her career in finance.
Bhargava would be the fourth Democrat in the race to succeed five term incumbent Denise Nappier. Hartford Democrat Shawn Wooden has been expected to be a decisive favorite but has been slow out of the starting gate.
February 19, 2018 Comments Off on On the Move: Bhargava to Treasurer’s Race.