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CBIA Opposes Tolls.

The Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) opposes Governor Ned Lamont’s proposal to impose a network of tolls on Connecticut highways. The statement, which was posted and disappeared last week, is here.

CBIA has been an erratic supporter of sensible state fiscal government policies. The organization was a key booster of the critical 1991 decision to enact a state income tax in 1991, ignoring warnings that the tax would inevitably rise and fund unrestrained spending.

Here’s part of CBIA’s statement on tolls:

“Improving our infrastructure is part of the solution, but there is widespread distrust that transportation funds will go to transportation projects, despite the lock box, because of the state’s continued fiscal instability and a history of diverting funds to cover spending levels rather than for economic investments like transportation.”

Lamont’s moving target of a tolls plan appears not to have enough support to pass in any form in the remaining two weeks of the regular legislative session. The legislature is expected to convene a special session this summer to consider adding to the cost of living in Connecticut.