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Connecticut’s Own David McCormick Unleashes on Dr. Oz.


Hedge fund titan and former Connecticut resident David McCormick moved to Pennsylvania last year to seek the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate. As often happens in politics, the May 15th primary campaign has not been going as McCormick expected.

McCormick made his fortune at the Bridgewater, the hedge fund famous for making grownups cry at frequent and pitiless meetings. Bridgewater, readers may recall, wanted Connecticut taxpayers to foot part of the bill for a new waterfront headquarters in Stamford. The fund, based in Westport, negotiated a deal with then-Governor Dannel P. Malloy for $115 million in cash and incentives for the [roject. The unpopular plan was dropped after providing the public with a vivid reminder that Democrats love their rich as much as Republicans do theirs.

McCormick’s rise and fall and rise at Bridgewater was told recently in this Bloomberg article on the combat veteran’s journey to Trump lickspittle, following the path of his wife, Dina Powell.

Donald Trump first endorsed Sean Parnell in the Pennsylvania race. Parnell abandoned his campaign faster than a Russian in a tank under Ukrainian fire after claims of domestic abuse came into public view. McCormick lobbied hard to become Trump’s second first choice, making pilgrimages to the loathsome demagogues’s Palm Beach headquarters.

McCormick and Powell did not hire enough Trump grifters to overcome the influence of the inscrutable Melania Trump and commentator Sean Hannity. The two are all in for Republican frontrunner Dr. Oz, formally known as Mehmet Oz. Trump endorsed him Saturday.

In the aftermath of McCormick’s unsuccessful courtship of Trump, McCormick unloaded on Oz, a creation of Oprah Winfrey, in a series of clips from Oz’s television show. McCormick criticizing Oz over China is especially rich. Bridgewater loves China. Its founder, Ray Dalio, described compared China’s human rights abuses to “a strict parent” last year. The ensuing conflagration caused Dalio, like a strict parent, to accuse critics (anyone who read them) of misunderstanding them. On the contrary, the reaction to Dalio’s admiration for China was an example of widespread radical candor.

Expect to hear much more about China in the next month.

Published on April 11, 2022.