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Corruption Investigations Continue. Federal Agents Return to LOB.


Federal law enforcement agents returned to the Legislative Office Building today, Daily Ructions has learned. The agents were not as aggressively obvious as they were in their memorable 2014 questioning of Republican legislators for two days.

A federal criminal investigation of the House Republican campaign operation has cost party campaign committees ten of thousands of dollars in legal fees. Former House Republican leader Lawrence Cafero and his successor, Themis Klarides, made repeated representations that there is nothing to the investigations while trying to divert worries of their caucus members of the deluge ahead.  Many House Republicans, already dissatisfied with Klarides’s lackadaisical leadership and close ties to Democratic insiders, will be further unnerved by more feds in the LOB.

The state’s wine and spirits association will also be sobered by the news as it tries to decide on a new executive director for the organization.