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Daniel Morrocco to Helm Lamont Re-election Campaign.

Daniel Morrocco, a veteran Democratic campaign professional, will lead Governor Ned Lamont’s 2022 re-election campaign, Daily Ructions has learned. Lamont has not announced his candidacy but the prolific self-funder can stash Morrocco at the state party operation until he’s ready to make a public announcement.

The Rhode Islander was a senior adviser at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. He managed Arizona Democrat Melanie Kirkpatrick’s 2016 Senate campaign against John McCain. He was also on Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 presidential bid.

Morrocco has arrived as Lamont received encouraging news in a PPP survey. The Greenwich Democrat leads Republicans Bob Stefanowski (his 2018 opponent) by 16 points and Themis Klarides by 20 points. Lamont received support from 52% of respondents against each Republican.

Posted October 26, 2021.