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Democratic Dispute Panel Finds Errors in 5th CD Convention. Adds Two to Hayes, Subtracts Two From Glassman.

A party dispute panel confirms chaos broke out at the party’s 5th CD nominating convention. After hearing formal complaints on the May 14th confusion, the panel revised the final count from 173 votes for Mary Glassman and 167 for Jahana Hayes to 171 for Glassman and 169 for Hayes.

Glassman remains the party endorsed candidate from the May 14th Waterbury conclave. The party committee report reveals a convention in disarray from the start. The first ballot roll call tally counted 340 votes but only 320 delegates registered. The second and decisive ballot allowed an extended period of vote switching at the end of the town-by-town roll call.

The panel found second ballot switches from Hayes to Glassman by two New Britain delegates were improperly executed. Two other critical switches from Hayes to Glassman stand, as does the convention endorsement of Simsbury Democrat Glassman.

The panel’s report concludes with the recommendation that party rule makers consider eliminating allowing end of ballot switches.

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