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Department of Public Health nursing exam results show Stone Academy not alone in low pass rate.

The closing of Stone Academy on February 15th of this year has brought attention to the erratic regulation of for-profit nursing programs by the Office of Higher Education (OHE) and the Department of Public Health (DPH). The crisis, now in its seventh month, has seen OHE offer little or no assistance to more than 1,000 abandoned students.

Statistics complied by DPH show that Stone Academy was not alone in graduating students who failed to pass the national nursing exam on the first first time they took it. Porter and Chester campuses showed dramatic fluctuations in exam success. Only Stone closed, though Porter and Chester also had a 43% pass rate at its Waterbury and and now closed Stratford campus.

The numbers suggest systemic issues that OHE and DPH have declined to address in anything but an ad hoc manner, allowing more striving students to become saddled with debts they are unable to pay.

Published September 11, 2023.

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