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Establishment Jitters: Larson Likely to Face Hrezi in August Primary.

Democrat Muad Hrezi appears to have collected to force veteran U.S. Representative John B. Larson into an August primary. Larson is seeking a 13th term in the House the First Congressional District. Hrezi, a former staff member for Senator Chris Murphy, is making his first bid for public office.

Hrezi, Daily Ructions can report, has submitted approximately 5,300 signatures to local registrars of voters. State law, among the most restrictive in the nation, requires a candidate to collect signatures from 2% of the registered Democrats in the district. Hrezi needs 3,833 valid signatures to qualify for the primary. He submitted 2,400 signatures in West Hartford alone.

A Larson-Hrezi contest will be the state’s marquee political contest of the summer. An incumbent House member has never faced a primary in Connecticut.

Establishment Democrats are growing concerned that Larson, who has not faced a serious challenge since he defeated West Hartford Democrat Miles Rappoport in a ferocious 1998 primary. Larson’s campaigns have been casual endeavors since. Larson, who will turn 74 in July, will need quickly to create a nimble and enthusiastic campaign organization. The primary will the retired state employee to do more than block Hrezi from speaking before Democratic town committees.

Larson will need some sharp surrogates to explain his reliance on special interest campaign donations. He may want to start searching now for the Democratic friend who will defend Larson’s acceptance of thousands from Vincent Roberti, the Washington lobbyists and former Connecticut legislator who has made millions representing Russian energy interests.

Ambitious Democrats in the 1st CD may respond to the most painful enticement Larson can offer to win spur them into action. The East Hartford Democrat could promise that his next term will be his last term.

Published June 8, 2022.