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Eversource’s Butler: “The Left and Media Has Considerable Blame for Creating the Overall Atmosphere” of Wednesday’s Coup Attempt.

Eversource Executive Vice President and General Counsel Greg Butler used his Facebook account to blame “the left and the media” for Donald Trump’s incitement of an insurrection against the nation’s democratic government. The stunning accusation of the Republican fundraiser and spouse of former Republican legislator Themis Klarides, came in response to a comment posted on Butler’s busy Facebook page.

Butler’s initial post blamed Trump and the rioters, declaring “everyone who has stormed the capital are criminals and should be treated as such….” He added, “This IS the president’s fault…..” Butler retreated in the face of disagreement from David Allen Ridenour, of National Center of Public Policy Research. Ridenour commented, “…though the president deserves some blame–we cannot forget that this was a year in which the left encouraged lawlessness.”

Butler matched that dose of whataboutism by blaming “the left and the media” for creating an atmosphere that caused Wednesday’s attempt to overthrow the government. The astounding comment is posted above. He did not elaborate.

Klarides is expected to make a bid for the 2022 Republican nomination for governor of Connecticut. Butler served on the gubernatorial transition teams of Democrats Dannel P. Malloy and Ned Lamont.