Fasten Your Motions and Grab Your Briefs.
Events buffeting Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz’s campaign for attorney general have filled rank and file Democrats (the sort who are delegates to the state nominating convention) with unease, and Bysiewicz herself is said to be not very cheerful. The most pressing issue remains whether former insurance company lawyer Bysiewicz meets the statutory requirement of 10 years of “active practice” at the bar. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal opined in response to a Bysiewicz request that the requirement is constitutional but left alone the knotty issue of what constitutes “active practice.”
Bysiewicz hailed Blumenthal’s opinion as clearing the way for her to proceed free of doubts. Soundings among Democrats around the state found they do not agreed. The chronic candidate is finding serious resistance to her attempt to jolly her way through the candidacy crisis. A consensus is building that Bysiewicz needs a court ruling sweeping away the hurdle
Rumors continue to swirl about the wounded Bysiewicz campaign, including that she will abandon her bid for attorney general. We have surveyed the field of whispers and believe Bysiewicz will soon go to court to challenge the 10 year statute that has vexed her since she abandoned the race for governor and entered the one for attorney general. An action for a declaratory judgment is imminent.
Litigation poses an opportunity for interested Republicans and Democrats to join in fierce but mannered combat against Bysiewicz over evidence, testimony, scheduling orders, and the Constitution of the Constitution State. If someone also seeks a definition of what constitutes “active practice,” look for parties who join the action to seek testimony under oath from Bysiewicz. No candidate likes that, especially when Democrats have alternatives who bring to the race no drama or damaging documents signed under oath.
This sets up Bysiewicz v. Blumenthal. Pursuant to the practice book, the AG will be made a party to the action if she opts to challenge the statute. Break out the popcorn.
[…] general now appear off the mark. Given the press release below, it seems more likely that she’ll ask a state court to declare her eligible for the […]