Filled to the Brimm. Lamont Imports Campaign Manager from Mississippi. Snubs State Democrats.

Governor Ned Lamont has chosen Mississippi Democrat Travis Brimm to serve as the manager of his 2022 re-election campaign, Daily Ructions has learned. Brimm has received the approval of Ann Huntress Lamont and the governor’s former chief of staff, Ryan Drajewicz, who remains close to the Lamonts.
Brimm is parked at the state Democratic party’s office until the Lamont campaign begins. That may raise some campaign finance issues, but those are for other people to address. Lamont is expected to finance his campaign, as he did with the previous three. Expect no complaints from progressive Democrats about it.
Brimm managed the debate-shy Ben Ray Lujan’s successful 2020 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico. He also worked as director of the Biden North Carolina primary campaign.
Republicans may have a contest for their party’s nomination for governor, though no candidate has announced a bid.
Brimm “loves a good plate of BBQ.”
State Democrats, who have won every office of significance, are wondering why the Lamonts and Drajewicz decided to give a poke in the eye to Connecticut’s political talent and import a campaign manager.