Fonfara is 1-10 on casting/missing votes on Executive and Legislative Nominations.
State Senator John Fonfara (D-Hartford) has missed more than 90% of the roll call votes this session on the Executive and Legislative Nominations Committee. Of the 11 votes on nominations cast by committee members, Fonfara voted in only one. On February 20th, the veteran legislator joined his Democratic colleagues in casting his first vote of the year for Public Utilities Regulatory Agency (PURA) chair Marissa Gillett.
Since the pandemic, the legislature has allowed members to cast committee votes remotely.
Fonfara was part of the deal with Governor Ned Lamont that guaranteed Democrats would fall in line behind the controversial Gillett in exchange for making PURA a quasi-public agency and putting Fonfara into one of its anticipated five (5) member board. Some legislators have become increasingly uncomfortable with the blatant political horse trading for generously compensated jobs on at an agency that ha generated only dismay with its inability to address electricity rates that are among the highest in the nation.
The legislation creating the new agency has yet to be revealed to the public.
Published March 3, 2025.
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