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Friday Dump: Lamont Campaign Announces Candidate Will Participate in Only Two Debates.

Their embarrassment is showing. Governor Ned Lamont’s campaign announced late Friday afternoon that ”it will participate in two debates and four candidate forums ahead of the November 8th election.”

The Greenwich Democrat’s Friday taking out the trash was his declaration that he deigns to grace with his presence a September 27th debate on WVIT and a second on WTNH on November 1st. “These are the only debates in which Governor Lamont will be participating” the campaign declared with a tone that suggests the decision does not comport with Lamont’s often-stated desire to encourage participatory democracy. Lamont has declined several other invitations to participate in televised debates, including from News12 Connecticut.

Debating has never been Lamont’s strength, though after four years as governor he ought to have more confidence in himself as he appeals to voters to show their confidence in him as he seeks a second term. The two debate dates have been agreed to with an eye on containing Lamont’s habit of leaving wreckage when he wanders off-script. Blunders at the end of September can be sealed over with media buys paid for from the fourth generation American aristocrat’s fortune. Gaffes on November 1st will leave little time for Lamont’s opponent to amplify and exploit them.

Republican Bob Stefanowski, not a nimble debater himself, has long been looking forward to a series of televised rematches with the winner of the 2018 race for governor. Lamont’s refusal to engage in October will require his loanshark mogul rival to deliver a knockout before cameras in 11 days.

Lamont has ducked debates before, and it cost him. In his 2010 primary challenge of party-endorsed candidate Dannel P. Malloy, Lamont, relying on the power of his wealth to see him through, avoided debating Malloy. The former Stamford mayor mocked and berated Lamont for hiding from traditional public discourse. Malloy, who polls showed was the underdog through the primary campaign, defeated Lamont in a landslide. Malloy’s reliance on disdain may have been spurred by his fury over Lamont sending a camera crew to film from the bushes at Malloy’s home.

If Stefanowski is to have any chance at defeating Lamont, he’ll need spend the next 11 days preparing for what may be his only meaningful encounter with the curiously timid Lamont.

Published September 16, 2022.