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From the Republican 5th CD Convention.

First ballot before switches: Roraback 92, Wilson Foley 88, Bernier 57, Greenberg 55. All have qualified for primary–before the season of betrayal begins.

After switches: AR 89 LWF 88 JB 68
MG 56.

Second ballot begins. Roraback expected to pick up chunk of Greenberg supporters.

Odditnik wins 4th CD nomination with 73%.

Back to the 5th. Second ballot AR 98 LWF 80 JB 62 MG 58.

Wilson-Foley lost 3 of hometown Simsbury’s 11 votes on 2nd ballot.

Greenberg is dropped from the ballot under the convention rules.

Third ballot has begun with 3 candidates. Roraback is picking up Greenberg support.

Roraback wins convention endorsement on 3rd ballot. Wilson-Foley second. Bernier distant third.

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