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Fury as Governor’s chief of staff appears in Working Families Party mailing.

Angry Democrats were sharing screenshots of a Working Families Party (WFP) mailer that features Governor Ned Lamont’s chief of staff, Matthew Brokman. The mailer, which also includes U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy (who as the mood seizes him portrays himself as a moderate), asks recipients to vote for the Working Families Party candidates on Line C. The problem for many Democrats is that they did not seek the leftwing party’s endorsement.

The Connecticut WFP says of itself, “We run aggressive issue and electoral campaigns across the state. We endeavor to abolish inequalities grounded in hierarchies of race, patriarchy, and wealth to raise standards for working families and achieve an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected.” There is no mistaking who the party’s number one target must be: American aristocrat Ned Lamont, the wealthy Greenwich Democrat who belonged to a lily white country club until he decided to seek a U.S. Senate seat in 2006. Or perhaps U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, one the wealthiest members of the Senate.

Lamont’s office must be the center of class resentments on the rare days when more than a few staff members work on the second floor.

Brokman is married to Lindsay Farrell, WFP’s state executive director. She joins Brokman and two smiling moppets in a brochure photograph. Protecting children’s privacy appears not to be on the WFP’s long list of goals.

Moderate Democrats in at least two State Senate districts are seeking to oust incumbent Republicans. Lamont and others have strained to keep the state’s dominant party in the broad center ground. A WFP supporter in the center of power will do nothing to reassure wary voters.

Published October 24, 2024.

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