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Godfrey: Public and Legislators Don’t Trust Lamont.

State Representative Bob Godfrey (D-Danbury) tells Patch.com in a candid interview that uncertainly continues to keep Governor Ned Lamont from passing a transportation plan. “My colleagues are uncomfortable because every time you turn around it’s a different proposal,” the veteran legislator told the Patch’s Scott Benjamin.

“I think people and legislators don’t trust Gov. Lamont and his proposals,” Godfrey said in an interview with the Patch. “I think that’s a real issue in people’s opposition to his proposal.” Godfrey did suggest a way forward. He told the Patch that former Governor Dannel P. Malloy erred in not embarking on a transportation “listening tour.” Lamont has pledged to undertake a series of town meetings to discuss his transportation plan. A schedule has not been announced.

Godfrey, who has served in the House since 1989, praises the Greenwich Democrat’s sunny disposition but offers a harsh assessment of Lamont’s first year in office:

In September, Godfrey told Patch.com that Lamont has admirable personality characteristics, he also described him as “naïve” . . . “not in touch” . . . “a little cavalier.”

He said recently that nothing has happened since then to make him change that perception.

Godfrey said Lamont’s legislative liaison operation has been the worst of any of the six governors that he has served under.

Yet, he added, “It’s hard to dislike him because he is polite and friendly. He’s a good schmoozer.”

Godfrey said during social events at the executive residence in Hartford, Lamont has played the piano and invited legislators to sing along.

However, he added that Lamont has not matched the work ethic of Malloy.

Read the entire piece here.