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Green v. Ritter Decision Wednesday.

Judge A. Susan Peck will announce her decision Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in State Representative Kenneth Green’s challenge of Hartford City Councilman Matthew Ritter’s August 10th primary victory for the Democratic nomination in the 1st Assembly district.


1 EdMfromBranford { 09.08.10 at 11:17 pm }

Eight hours later and no word from Rennie on this.

CT New Junkie reported on this at 5:30 pm. The judge upheld the election, Ritter wins which is too bad.

CTNewsJunkie is a whole lot more on the ball than Rennie is, that’s for sure.

2 Joe Sixpack { 09.09.10 at 10:23 am }

Ed – Junkie is a full time reporter at the Capitol, just like Keating, Hladky, Ted Mann and others. Rennie is a practicing attorney who writes on the side. Cut him some slack on the timeliness of his updates…..

3 Bill Mainor { 09.09.10 at 1:07 pm }

Come on, Ed. Use your head.

4 ACR { 09.09.10 at 6:33 pm }

>>Come on, Ed. Use your head.

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