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Handler Parks his Tanks in Glastonbury.

Nothing is off-limits in the crowded party competitions for governor. Even a candidate’s hometown is fair game. Look at Republican hopeful Mike Handler. He’s the attraction at a local event in Glastonbury on March 20th. Rival Prasad Srinivasan’s Glastonbury.

Srinivasan won the endorsement of the Glastonbury Republican town committee last fall after local leaders lobbied some committee members not inclined to support their local Republican state representative’s bid for governor to stay home the night of the vote.

Handler’s Glastonbury supporters include Lorraine Marchetti, who nearly won a state Senate seat in 2016.

Handler announced Monday that he has exceeded the $250,000 threshold required to qualify for the state’s generous campaign finance program. He has asked the State Elections Enforcement Commission to begin its pre-application review of his fundraising. Handler will need to win 15% of delegate votes on one ballot of May’s party nominating convention or collect signatures from at least 2% of the state’s registered Republican voters.