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House Republican Revolt Forces Klarides Exit. Cites Changing Times, Vows to Continue in “Public Service.”

They finally had enough. House Republicans used their unique coronavirus sabbatical from the legislative session to examine their leadership. Caucus members began to let the word go forth that House Minority Leader Themis Klarides (R-Derby) has been found wanting. Klarides announced Tuesday morning in a statement released by the House Republican office that she will not seek a 12th term. “Times change and we have to move on and make decisions about balancing life and how we can best serve those that rely on us,’’ Klarides said. “This is the end of an extremely fulfilling and challenging chapter in my life. But anyone who knows me understands that my commitment to public service is ongoing.”

Klarides, elected to the House in 1998, is completing her third term as the distant leader of the House Republicans. Discontent in the diminished ranks of the House Republican caucus had been growing, Daily Ructions can report. A defeat for leader of the caucus after this November’s election would have squashed Klarides’s hopes for higher office.