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In a Hurry: Malloy Stopped on 395. Gets Ticket for Speeding 85 MPH.

University of Maine System Chancellor Dannel P. Malloy was stopped by a Connecticut State Trooper on I-395 Sunday afternoon. The surly, unpopular former Connecticut governor received a ticket for traveling at 85 miles per hour by Trooper Robert Desjardins. One mile above the magic 85 mph would have put Malloy at risk for a reckless driving charge, a crime in Connecticut. Not a good example to set for those impressionable minds paying tuition in Maine.

Word of a former governor issued a citation for speeding will get around. All credit to James C. Rovella, Commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP), who when he learned of the Malloy encounter with law enforcement, Daily Ructions can report, declared it should be handled like any other ticket issued to a motor vehicle operator accused of driving far too fast.

Governor Ned Lamont should be pleased with Rovella. His tenure of 18 months leading the state police has brought new, honorable leadership to the critical department.

Malloy appointed Dora Schrirro as commissioner of DESPP in 2014. Read about her “outrageous behavior” here.

The fractious state police union is currently conducting a no-confidence ballot on Rovella. Some members have urged their colleagues to support Rovella and give the vote meaning by marking on their ballots no confidence in the union’s leadership.