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Jahana Hayes Polls Her Truth. Survey Asks About Esty. Wealthy Boosters to Help With Independent Expenditures.

Wolcott Democrat Jahana Hayes is in the field with a poll. The Fifth District Democrat is asking registered Democrats their view on her, opponent Mary Glassman, Ned Lamont, Joe Ganim, and Dan Malloy, Daily Ructions has learned. The survey, conducted by 20/20 Insight, also asks voters if they support ICE. Hayes also wants to know if voters support a Medicare buy-in option for healthcare. There are also mentions of Hayes’s stirring biography.

Hayes is also polling retiring U.S. Representative Elizabeth Esty’s favorables/unfavorable. Esty announced in spring she would not seek re-election to a fourth term after revelations she had ignored a violent sexual harassment and misconduct scandal in her office. She’s not made an endorsement in the race but her supporters remain miffed that Glassman began making calls about a run during the Esty crisis, before the reeling Democrat abandoned her doomed quest to cling to office.

Watch for Hayes to get a boost before the August 14th primary from A New Promise, an independent expenditure committee formed by affluent admirers.