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James Carville on Dan Roberti-and His Single Mom.

Kent Democrat Dan Roberti is in the race for the Democratic nomination for Congress in Connecticut’s 5th congressional district.  He’s kicked off his campaign with a fundraising message from James Carville.  It’s heavy on the heartstrings.

The letter tells the tale of young Roberti, son of Bridgeport Democrat Vincent Roberti, Sr., and his devoted mother.  Carville tells his marks, “Dan grew up the son of a single mom in Connecticut.  His mother was a teacher who raised Dan and his brother in a modest two-family house, where Dan learned early that he would have to work hard.  He worked his way through Loyola University New Orleans with the help of scholarships, financial aid and Pell grants. ” Carville goes in to testify that Roberti “is a truly remarkable young man that I am proud to know and call my friend.”

Roberti’s also a prolific campaign contributor.  The progressive Democrat donated $30,000 to the DCCC last April and ponied up numerous maximum contributions of $2,400 to other Democrats, including Representative Charles Rangel, of New York.

Carville’s emphasis on Mrs. Roberti’s brave fight against cancer is causing comment among recipients of the email solicitation.

Read the letter here.



1 Bill Mainor { 03.28.11 at 4:36 pm }

I cannot imagine a worse endorsement than from a political hired gun – who loved Bill Clinton so much that he married a woman who detested him. Or was it all just an act that sells books, gets speeches and product endorsements.

2 CT2011 { 03.28.11 at 5:44 pm }

So Carville should let his personal life be dictated by his career? So when he fell in love it would have been completely honest and good of him to deny that and ditch her because of Bill Clinton? That makes so much sense……

3 Silly Bill { 03.28.11 at 6:40 pm }

So is your accusation that Carville married a woman he doesn’t like to sell books? Is he not allowed to love someone who choose to make their living in Republican politics?

James is a brilliant consultant and the fact that he views Roberti as a friends says a lot.

Though Bill I’m sure your resume is much more impressive than Carville’s, thus you should continue to bash him for no apparent reason.

4 Maria { 03.28.11 at 9:27 pm }

This is big. I’ve always admired James Carville. He’s a big name in Democratic politics. I will be making a contribution now.

5 Cheshire Kat { 03.28.11 at 10:11 pm }

Hey, how about we have Chris Dodd out promoting some no name running in Baton Rouge, who grew up elsewhere in Louisiana? None of Jimmer’s ole nabes be offended at that sorta stunt, ya think?

6 Dan Roberti Evacuated to Cannes–and Reunited With Father in 2006. — Daily Ructions { 03.29.11 at 6:38 am }

[…] Carville’s fundraising email for Democrat Dan Roberti painted an incomplete picture of the novice congressional candidate, […]

7 George { 03.29.11 at 11:16 am }

If Mr. Roberti can give away $$$ to D causes in $30K clips, why does he need to raise $$$ for his campaign?

8 Silly Bill { 03.29.11 at 12:23 pm }

$30,000 is far from the 3 or 4 million he will need for the race.

Thats like saying if you can afford to buy a microwave in cash why did you have to take out a mortgage on your house?

9 wise old crone { 03.30.11 at 11:23 am }

Worked his way through university with the help of financial aid, scholarships, and Pell Grants….
Yet his father is a powerful Washington lobbyist and film producer? Something stinks here.
And with a degree in pastoral counseling in hand, he had to forgo law school in Chicago to help his ailing mother….
Oh, the sacrifice! Does anyone know which law school in Chicago accepted him?
Another self-serving hack on the make.

10 Cheshire Kat { 03.30.11 at 9:35 pm }

I’ts like the guy who claimed to grow up in a log cabin only for us to find its was a palatial Adirondack hunting lodge