Jessica Kordas Raises $91k and Applies for Public Financing. Republican AG Hopeful Completes Under-ticket Push Taxpayer Money.
Norwalk lawyer Jessica Kordas has submitted an application for public financing of her campaign for attorney general. The Republican made the deadline for the $986,000 bonanza with her Sunday filing. Kordas reported raising $91,648.02 in contributions not exceeding $290 each. That gives Kordas a $5,000 buffer over the $86,,600 required for the state’s generous campaign financing program.
This will be the first time all four Republican under-ticket candidates have qualified for public financing, giving their party an unusual amount of cash to spend in the final two months of the campaign. That’s a lot of t-shirts, sweatshirts and baseball caps for candidates who cannot resist wasting a chunk of the dough.
Published August 29, 2022.